Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

17 July, 2023

The Sun

Solar activity was moderate with a few M-class flares. Background X-ray flux remained at C-class levels and five numbered sunspot groups were present on the visible solar disk. A few additional ARs with probable spot formation were observed in NASA/SDO and NSO/GONG Intensitygrams - but we await official USAF observatory reports before designation. Region 3363 (S22W59, Dko/beta-delta) began to be foreshortened as it rotated closer to the western limb. However, the spot group retained mixed umbrae within its penumbral area and was the source of the largest flare of the period - an M4.0 (R1; Minor) flare at 16/1746 UTC. The region was also a fairly prolific surge/ejecta producer over the past 24 hours - although any CME signatures in available coronagraph imagery appeared mostly narrow and with a westward bias.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

Solar wind parameters were indicative of a steady, enhanced IMF and a slow regime until 16/1836 UTC when an interstellar shock arrived at the NASA/ACE spacecraft. Total IMF strength promptly increased from 7 nT to 14 nT with the shock arrival - and eventually peaked at 15 nT. The Bz component had been steady, but weakly southward orientated until the shock arrival - at which point the Bz deflected further southward and reached -9 nT, with an eventual peak south deviation of -12 nT. Solar wind speed also escalated upon shock arrival from ~350 km/s to ~450 km/s and eventually reached near 500 km/s. The phi angle remained steady in a negative sector despite shock arrival. It is uncertain as to which event was responsible for the shock arrival as there have been numerous smaller, narrow ejecta events that did not have clear CME signatures.

There is a 30% chance of solar activity, with a 40% chance of a minor event, a 20% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The Moon

The waning moon is currently in Cancer, at 18 degrees, 48' 47", at a velocity of 12.08 degrees per day.

The New moon is currently 29.1 days old. It is 401969.86 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 18:33:06, 17 Jul, 2023. The next full moon is at 18:33:26, 1 Aug, 2023.

Planetary Information


The Sun

The Sun is in Cancer

The Sun is at 24 Can 27' 03", and is 152054486km away and approaching.


The Moon

The Moon is in Cancer

The Moon will change from Cancer to Leo in the next 24 hours.

The Moon is at 18 Can 48' 47", and is 403007km away and receding.

Moon Is In Cancer

Well, buckle up stargazers and dust off your telescopes! The Moon, in her infinite celestial wisdom, has decided to hunker down in the cozy constellation of Cancer. I mean, who can blame her? Cancer's got that homey vibe, like a cosmic comfort food, minus the calories. Now, let me tell you, with the Moon exactly 402,894.133921120 km away (I know, right? Couldn’t she just round it up?), there’s going to be some strong emotional currents running through the universe. So, if you suddenly find yourself tearing up at the sight of a baby Ewok gif or feeling a strange urge to call your mom at 2 a.m. for that Wookiee cookie recipe, don't panic. Blame it on the Moon, she's been known to play tricks like that. But remember, folks, the universe waits for no one, not even the Moon. In the next 24 hours, she'll be packing up her lunar luggage and moving onto the fiery Leo. So brace yourselves for a shift from comfy sweatpants vibes to 'I’m the king of the galaxy' energy. So, whether you're navigating asteroid fields or dealing with pesky Stormtroopers, remember - keep your blasters set on stun and your hearts set on love. May the stars be with you, always.



Mercury is in Leo

Mercury is prograde at 11 Leo 24' 49", moving at 1.78 degrees per day, and is 182846176km away and approaching.

Mercury Is In Leo

Oh, intrepid star gazers! The planets are not just whirling and twirling aimlessly in the cosmos; they're up to something. And today, that something is Mercury shimmying its way into Leo. A bit like a spaceship blasting off to boldly go where no one has dared before, we're entering a brave new world of communication. Mercury, our friendly neighborhood cosmic mailman, is all about delivering messages at warp speed. Now, place him in the fiery, flamboyant sign of Leo and you've got yourself a cosmic cocktail that's likely to have your words flowing faster than a Starfleet officer reciting the Prime Directive. Leo, the royal ruler of the Zodiac, is all about that, really, it's all about that confidence, charisma, and a dash of dramatic flair. So, prepare for your communicative style to be as bold and brassy as Zaphod Beeblebrox on a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster bender! But before you start broadcasting your thoughts to the universe, remember to engage your brain's equivalent of a universal translator because Mercury's quicksilver pace and Leo's flamboyance might make your words come flying out like Tribbles on a spaceship! This celestial alignment is like a cosmic stand-up comedy show. Expect to find yourself amidst a whirlwind of witty repartees, infectious laughter, and spontaneous pun-offs (yes, that's a thing!). Think Sheldon Cooper at a Star Trek convention level of excitement. Imagine yourself as the majestic Lion, mane billowing in the interstellar wind, confidently strutting across the galaxy. This is your moment to shine, my friend. Channel your inner Captain Kirk and command the spotlight. Been dodging that public speaking engagement? Well, now is the time to step up to the podium and deliver that speech with the confidence of Spock presenting a detailed analysis of Vulcan philosophy. And don't forget, Leo's energy is as creative as a room full of sci-fi authors on a caffeine high. This is your golden chance to turn all that passion and enthusiasm into something tangible. So pick up that sonic screwdriver, dust off that old telescope, or simply get out there and create your own universe. In short, folks, Mercury in Leo is like attending a science fiction convention hosted by Douglas Adams. It's going to be a wild ride, filled with laughter, creativity, and a whole lot of talking. So fasten your seatbelts, engage hyperdrive, and enjoy the journey!



Venus is in Leo

Venus is prograde at 27 Leo 58' 38", moving at 0.21 degrees per day, and is 57650860km away and approaching.

Venus Is In Leo

Venus in Leo: A Cosmic Disco Party

Oh boy, folks! Strap on your moon boots and adjust your antenna headbands because Venus, our galactic sweetheart, has just strutted into the spotlight of Leo. We're talking about a cosmic disco party that's hotter than a supernova and flashier than a quasar. It's the celestial equivalent of karaoke night – only instead of belting out power ballads, we're expressing our love with the subtlety of a solar flare. Expect epic sonnets, grand gestures, maybe even a few star-crossed tantrums. It's like a Shakespearean drama got trapped in a lava lamp.

With Venus in Leo, it's not enough to be admired from afar like some distant nebula. Oh no! We want to be worshipped like celestial deities, adored like intergalactic rockstars. This is the time for bold love leaps and grandiose declarations. If you're playing it safe, you might as well be on Pluto because darling, you are out in the cold.

Now, a word of caution my stardust sprinkled friends. Leo may seem all fun and games but remember it's also the sign of drama. Yes, that's right. Just like an unstable isotope, if we're not getting the recognition we crave, we might go nuclear. So, before you start a passionate argument just to feel like the center of the universe again, remember there's no 'I' in 'we'. Focus too much on your own needs and you might end up with just that: a solitary star in an otherwise empty galaxy.

Money while Venus is in Leo? Honey, it's not just currency, it's confetti! It's all about making yourself and your loved ones feel like a million bucks–or at least a priceless asteroid. Leo loves a bit of glitz, glitter, and glamour so don't be surprised if you find yourself splurging on cosmic baubles. But remember, treating others to extravagant gifts will make you feel happier than spoiling yourself. After all, generosity is the true Leo way.

Venus in Leo is an explosion of color and excitement that can re-energize your relationships and remind you that a life without a little bit of cosmic fun is like a black hole – dark, dull, and decidedly un-disco.



Mars is in Virgo

Mars is prograde at 04 Vir 08' 10", moving at 0.61 degrees per day, and is 344716145km away and receding.

Mars Is In Virgo

Hello, my celestial comrades! Grab your pocket protectors and slide rules because Mars has just clocked in at Virgo, the cosmic office manager of the Zodiac. This transit is kind of like when your mom organizes your action figure collection by name, height, and superpower—you might resist it at first but, let's be honest, it's actually pretty helpful. Mars, the planet of getting things done, is now in Virgo, the sign of getting things done right. It's like a celestial productivity app that doesn't need an update every five seconds. Your to-do list will be quaking in its boots as you take efficiency to new levels. Just remember: don't forget to schedule some "you" time in between color-coding your sock drawer and alphabetizing your spice rack. Virgo also happens to rule over the 6th House of Health. So, if you've been meaning to swap out your usual snack of chips and dip for celery and hummus, or have been thinking about signing up for a Tai Chi class, now's the time! Mars in Virgo will make sure that these healthful habits stick like gluten-free pasta to a pot (because who remembers to stir that stuff, am I right?). But be warned, folks. Mars in Virgo can turn us into critical crusaders, ready to launch an attack on anyone who dares to misalign a spreadsheet or misuse an Oxford comma. Remember, perfection is an illusion, much like pants in a Zoom meeting. So, cut everyone some slack, including yourself, and prevent any unnecessary altercations. On the bright side, this is the perfect time to tackle tasks that require attention to detail. Like balancing your budget, planning for the future, learning to crochet, or finally figuring out how to make sourdough bread without turning your kitchen into a floury disaster zone. So, whether you're a flustered Aries, a laid-back Libra, or a suspicious Scorpio, there's no better time than Mars in Virgo to get your life together. Just remember to not lose your sense of humor along the way. After all, even the planets have a funny spin!



Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is prograde at 11 Tau 51' 17", moving at 0.14 degrees per day, and is 773166144km away and approaching.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Ahoy, cosmic voyagers! Let's talk about Jupiter in Taurus, shall we? Now, for those of you who don't know, Jupiter is the Mr. Miyagi of the solar system, always spewing wisdom and encouraging deep thought. And Taurus? Well, Taurus is that stubborn old mule who refuses to budge unless there's a carrot at the end of the stick. When these two cosmic forces collide, it's like a self-help book that came to life and started slapping you with enlightenment. It's all about slowing down, tuning out the noise of your daily grind, and realizing that the answers you seek aren't on some mountaintop in Tibet, but deep within your own psyche. Kind of like finding out the remote control was in your hand the whole time - only way more profound. With Jupiter lounging around in Taurus, you've got a golden ticket to get cracking on your dreams. This isn't about wishing upon a star; it's about making a detailed game plan and then tackling it like a hungry hippo at a marble convention. You've got the big-picture vision of Jupiter combined with the bull-headed determination of Taurus cheering you on. So, buckle up and trust the process! Now, let's talk moolah. Jupiter and Taurus together are like a cosmic lottery ticket. Jupiter's all about good vibes and fortune, while Taurus has a thing for cold hard cash. So, if you play your cards right, you could see some serious dollar signs. But remember, Taurus also has a taste for the finer things in life, and with Jupiter fuelling its indulgence, it could be easy to mistake your needs for wants. So, keep your impulses in check and don't blow your fortune on a gold-plated llama or something. In the end, my celestial comrades, remember that Jupiter in Taurus is about taking the wisdom of the cosmos and applying it practically. So, whether it's setting up a new business, checking off that bucket list, or just learning to juggle, embrace the journey and make the most of this cosmic energy. Happy stargazing!



Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is retrograde at 06 Pis 30' 58", moving backwards at 0.05 degrees per day, and is 1347289905km away and approaching.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Well, well, well, Saturn is currently in Pisces and it's saying, "Hey there, time to take a good deep dive into that subconscious of yours!" Now I know, diving into your subconscious is about as appealing as spelunking in your grandmother's attic, but bear with me here. Saturn, the celestial taskmaster, known for its rings and an uncanny resemblance to that one uncle who always asks if you've got a job yet at family gatherings, is playing cozy with Pisces, the zodiac's dreamy fish. This cosmic meet-up might sound like the set-up to a weird sci-fi joke, but it's actually a cosmic call-to-action for you. Think of it as a celestial life coach session - you're on the couch, Saturn's in the armchair with a notepad, and Pisces is flitting around offering everyone herbal tea. Saturn in Pisces is ready to help you turn those daydreams into reality. So, get out your own notepad, and start drafting that business plan or plot outline. Yes, this does mean doing actual work. No, procrastination, Netflix, and eating pizza are not included in the plan. But be warned, Saturn is just as intrusive as a nosy neighbor and won't hesitate to poke its planetary nose into your deepest dreams. You might feel like slamming the door and hanging a "Do Not Disturb" sign, but hear Saturn out. As much as it pains me to say it, this old coot has some valuable advice to offer. With all this introspection going on, you might find yourself tossing and turning like a possessed washing machine. Insomnia, anxiety, restlessness – we've all been there. But fear not! This is a great time to explore the lesser-seen corners of your mind. Try meditating, taking long nature walks, or even napping (just keep a dream journal handy for any unexpected nuggets of wisdom). Heck, why not hit the hay early and give your brain some well-deserved downtime? Remember, just because Saturn is 1.347 billion kilometers away doesn't mean it can't offer you some stellar advice. So, harness the energy of Saturn in Pisces, and let your dreams lead the way, my star-gazing friends!



Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is prograde at 22 Tau 19' 54", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 3006099922km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Ahoy, cosmic voyagers! Captain Astro-Nerd at your service. So, Uranus is in Taurus, eh? You know, this is a bit like inviting a mad scientist to a tea party - it's about as comfortable as a hedgehog in a hammock. Taurus, bless its celestial socks, likes things as steady as a tortoise on valium. It's all about maintaining status quo, like re-watching Star Trek episodes because the plot twists in new shows are too wild. But here comes Uranus, the cosmic equivalent of Doc Brown from Back to the Future, shaking things up like a snow globe in a toddler's hand. Taurus might not be thrilled about it, but guess what? Change is the only constant in the universe, and even Taurus can't argue with that! Now, everyone knows that Taurus has a thing for money. It’s like Scrooge McDuck, only less duck-like. But with Uranus crashing this party, we might see some serious changes in our financial landscape. We're talking revolutionary stuff here, like finding out that the coins in Super Mario are actually Bitcoin. Over the next seven years, Uranus might turn banking inside out, like a cosmic launderer. We could see new forms of currency pop up, maybe something space-themed like 'Star-bucks'. Traditional banks might take a hiatus or transform completely, maybe into cosmic coffee shops where you can save money and sip lattes at the same time. And the housing and stock markets? Hold onto your hats, folks, they might go on a rollercoaster ride that makes Space Mountain seem tame. On a personal level, Uranus in Taurus is like a financial wellness guru, encouraging us to break free from the fetters of debt, taxes, credit card interests, and the seemingly endless rent or mortgage payments. It's like saying, "Hey, let's stop being slaves to material possessions and start being masters of our own destiny." Yes, change may seem daunting and as welcome as a Dalek at a peace conference, but remember, Uranus is here to liberate us, not to scare us. Resisting won't help - it's like trying to stop a black hole from sucking in matter. So, buckle up, embrace the changes, and remember, the road to stability is paved with adaptability. Beam me up, Uranus!



Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 27 Pis 36' 55", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 4403455933km away and approaching.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Neptune In Pisces: The Cosmic Party Crasher

Alright, star gazers, brace yourselves. Neptune has pulled up its celestial socks and taken a retrograde road trip to Pisces, squaring up a whopping 4.4 billion kilometers away. I mean, talk about social distancing! But don't be fooled by his aloof demeanor. This big blue bad boy is here to crank up the cosmic volume and put us all on an emotional rollercoaster.

Neptune in Pisces is like having that quirky, long-haired uncle show up unannounced at your tidy, organized party. He's not here to keep things in order; he's here to shake them up! Suddenly, your carefully arranged cheese platter doesn't seem so important, and you find yourself questioning the meaning of life…and cheese.

So, how do we navigate this astrological curveball? Well, first, put down the brie. It's time to delve into our spiritual satchels and pull out our emotional compasses, because this transit is all about finding our unique light in the universe. You know, that thing that makes you YOU. The thing that makes you want to breakdance in the supermarket or write poems for your pet iguana.

And hey, while you're at it, why not take a deep dive into the spiritual pool? Maybe sign up for that yoga class you've been putting off, or finally set up that Zen garden in your backyard (just watch out for the gnomes, they're a territorial bunch).

Remember, folks, Neptune in Pisces isn't here to play by the rules. It's here to remind us that we're all stardust, dreaming big and shining bright. So, embrace the chaos, channel your inner hippie, and let your freak flag fly. After all, in the cosmic game of life, aren't we all just trying to find our place among the stars?



Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is retrograde at 29 Cap 14' 33", moving backwards at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 5056080370km away and approaching.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Alright, star gazers! Buckle up, because we're going on a cosmic road trip! You know when you have your GPS set to the fastest route, but then you take a wrong turn and suddenly your ETA goes from 20 minutes to 2 hours? That's what happens when Pluto goes retrograde in Capricorn! First off, Pluto. Yes, I know, it’s not a planet anymore, but it didn't take the demotion personally and neither should you. It’s still out there, doing its thing, just like you. No matter how many times life might try to downgrade you to “dwarf planet” status, keep revolving! Now, Pluto and Capricorn together are like the Steve Jobs of the zodiac, laser-focused on success and power. Unstoppable, you might say. But when Pluto goes retrograde, it’s like they've lost their glasses. They are still determined, just a bit...disoriented. So, what does this mean for you? Well, it's like you're trying to build an IKEA bookshelf without the instructions. You're going to have to figure it out yourself, and you might end up with a few unused screws (or extra holes in your wall). It's a time to review, revise, and perhaps even dismantle some things in your life. Just remember, it's not about being right. It's about being effective. You might find you're a bit less patient with other people's point of view. A bit like when someone insists on calling Pluto a planet, and you're like, "Dude, it's been over a decade. Let it go." But try not to let your drive for results steamroll over others. And remember, just like Pluto, no matter how far you feel from your goals (like 5,056,082,623.01 kilometers away), you're still in the game. Keep spinning, keep orbiting, and keep your eyes on the stars. And if anyone tries to downgrade you, just laugh and say, "I'm not a dwarf planet. I'm a space giant."

Current Planetary Aspects

Current Chart
Sun24 Can 27' 03"
Moon18 Can 48' 47"
Mercury11 Leo 24' 49"
Venus27 Leo 58' 38"
Mars04 Vir 08' 10"
Jupiter11 Tau 51' 17"
Saturn06 Pis 30' 58" R
Uranus22 Tau 19' 54"
Neptune27 Pis 36' 55" R
Pluto29 Cap 14' 33" R

Current Planetary Positions


The Sun

The Sun

Sun Sextile Uranus

Today is a good day to pour your creativity and self-expression into coming up with new ways of doing things. Positive surprises are likely today as your aura is ready for the new and unusual. By going off the beaten pathway, you may open up many possibilities for further spiritual and personal growth. You feel free today from all restrictions and you want to fly like the eagle, unbounded by any restraints. Soar high and don't limit yourself.It is easy and natural for those born under a harmonious aspect between the Sun and Uranus to embrace new ways of doing things, to stick up for the underdog, and to express themselves in unique and inspiring ways. These people don’t have to try to stand out as unique–they are original, creative, and progressive without trying. Although these people question rules and traditions if they don’t seem to make sense to them, they don’t view them as threatening their personal sense of freedom.These individuals are far from pretentious. They value honesty and truth, and they avoid putting on airs. They believe in the equality of people, and easily relate to people from all walks of life. There is an unmistakable enthusiasm about life, and generally the life is interesting because the natives invite unusual or adventurous experiences into their lives. They are generally appreciated by others because they are open-minded, fair, and not judgmental. Nothing really seems to faze them! They take things in stride, and are rarely shocked or taken aback by human behavior. If you are holding onto something that you keep to yourself for fear that if you talk about it, someone will think you’re strange, you can safely turn to a Sun-Uranus person. They probably won’t blink, and they’ll make you feel quite alright about it.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon their intuitive faculties when needed, and those with the trine between the Sun and Uranus have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Some Famous People with Sun in Harmonious Aspect to Uranus: Sextiles – Gregory Peck, Paula Abdul, Kirk Douglas, Tiger Woods, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Dr. Phil McGraw, Gene Simmons. Isaac Newton, Paula Abdul; Trines – Nicolas Cage, Anne Heche, Harry Hamlin, Dick Clark, Drew Barrymore, Muhammad Ali, Farrah Fawcett.

The Sun

The Sun

Sun Trine Neptune

Today will be rewarding if you find the time to express yourself by helping others. Find something artistic through which you can channel your creativity and your soul. Art and music as well as spiritual pursuits are favored today. Try to become one with the Universe today. Creative visualization can be an important means through which your goals are realized. Idealism runs high today.There is an unmistakably dreamy, inspired, and sensitive side to those born with easy aspects between the Sun and Neptune. A marked appreciation for music and the arts is present. The connection of Neptune with the Sun, which represents the ego and the will, certainly softens some of the hard edges that might be found elsewhere in the chart, adding a sensitive and spiritual dimension to the personality. These people are naturally compassionate, especially those born under the trine. It is so completely natural for them to accept that there is more to the world than what is before their eyes, that they tend to presume everyone must be spiritually-inclined. Of course, they come to realize that this is not the case at some early point in their lives. Their attraction to spirituality and metaphysical subjects is usually marked. These aspects favor writers, artists, and musicians. These people are sensitive to those who are suffering, although they are not as easily taken advantage of as those with Sun-Moon challenging aspects. They are humanitarian and often have a special connection with animals. If other aspects and positions in the chart support it, these people are not ones to dominate others or assert themselves to the point of brashness.Some Famous People with Sun in Easy Aspect to Neptune: Sextiles – Mick Jagger; Trines – Farrah Fawcett, Billy Corgan, Muhammad Ali

The Sun

The Sun

Sun Opposite Pluto

Power struggles may be likely today. You may encounter others who try to force their will on you or others who resent feeling as if you are forcing your ego on them. Try to compromise and find a balance. Transformation can come about if you are open to change and if you can keep your ego from becoming all-encompassing. Today may be an intense day. Control your arrogance and your domineering attitudes. Be reasonable.People born under a challenging aspect between the Sun and Pluto are prone to inner tension and negative, self-destructive behavior. When things are going well, they suffer from fears that something will come along to change that. Their thought patterns can be negative, and if not kept in check, they can seriously undermine their happiness. Constantly worrying that the rug will be pulled from under their feet can easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Sun-Pluto have tremendous power and strength–when they learn to accept and use that strength, instead of fear it, they are some of the most effective, insightful, helpful, and healing people around!One of the most prominent characteristics of these aspects is the tendency to be intensely dissatisfied with their personal accomplishments and expressions of self. These people put a lot of pressure on themselves regarding their own endeavors. A child, for example, with a challenging Sun-Pluto aspect may work hard at a piece of artwork, decide it’s not right, destroy it, and start all over again. This same child will be especially disturbed if they feel people are watching as they create their artwork. This is a simple example, but it’s quite descriptive of the tendency for these people to be dissatisfied with their creative self-expressions, and to want to hide their expressions from others until they feel the output is “right”. This is largely due to a perceived inability to express or reveal their true personalities to others. They experience a simultaneous urge to express themselves and to hide themselves. They struggle with a deep need to control themselves and life itself. Rarely are Sun-Pluto people completely satisfied with themselves. They are especially sensitive to criticism, and feel the need to “redo” themselves often. There is a marked fear of losing control, and this might stem from some traumatic event in childhood, or the childhood might have been crisis-ridden or emotionally-charged in general. As such, these people are often intensely fearful of, or threatened by, change. This can express itself through attempts to control their lives such that they can manage their fears of being taken off guard. Of course, this generally backfires!Another characteristic of these aspects is an intense need for privacy. They fear being exposed or invaded. Again, this is an expression of their dissatisfaction with the self they are projecting, and they are generally uncomfortable with their evolving ego. They seem to undergo many identity crises, and they feel the need to control what others know about them and think about them. Their fear of exposing themselves might cause them problems with others, who may begin to mistrust them, presuming that if they are so protective of their privacy, they must have something sinister to hide. The truth is, they struggle with a dissatisfaction with themselves and their fear of being exposed is really about a fear of being vulnerable, as well as a manifestation of their own identity crisis.These people are quick to read between the lines. They need to be careful, however, to avoid reading negative or dark things into situations or people. They need to know that if their tendency is to hunt for dark “truths” rather than unbiased truths, this is a self-destructive behavior that stems from fear. Many people with these aspects are overly attached to things, habits, people, and their past. At the root of this is an intense fear of change that would threaten to make them vulnerable. Still, Pluto’s goal is to transform through change. Inevitably, Sun-Pluto people will have to face their fear of change and accept that they need change in order to grow.We all have a dark, irrational side, but people with Sun-Pluto in hard aspect are forced to confront it and integrate it into their personalities. It can be a challenging process, especially because the Sun rules all that is “light” – the rational, conscious mind. The Sun is noble and righteous by nature. Aligned with Pluto, it can have a hard time accepting the darker, intense, and often irrational Pluto energies into one cohesive whole. This is the challenge that Sun-Pluto face. If these people find themselves using manipulative tactics to get their way, or attempting to control others through subversive tactics, it is a clear cue that they are mishandling Pluto energies. It is a powerful indication that their self-image is low. There is little satisfaction derived from getting our way through manipulation. It only serves to make us feel less effective in the long run and on a personal level. If I were to win a favor by using subversive tactics, what will it prove to me? It will reinforce my feeling that I am not effective just by being myself. And, effectiveness is something Sun-Pluto craves.Especially with the opposition, these people might attract manipulative, possessive, or jealous people into their lives. With the square, there is more of a tendency to attract dangerous or upsetting situations in the life. Either way, these people need to get in touch with the reason why they are attracting these people and situations. In all likelihood, they are not handling their own fears effectively, and they feel they are not in control of their lives, and a looping pattern is thereby created. They eventually come to realize that they are very strong people with enormous resilience. They need to identify with, face, and accept their “dark” side. Self-acceptance is the key to handling this aspect. Channeling Pluto energy into constructive channels is also important.Famous people with Sun in hard aspect to Pluto: Squares – Wynonna Judd (Sun square Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto), Jamie Lee Curtis, Sally Field; Oppositions – Muhammad Ali, Robert Duvall, John Travolta, Elvis Presley, Steve Allen, John Hurt, James Earl Jones; Oppositions – Nicole Brown Simpson, R.D. Laing, Maya Angelou, Jeffrey Archer, Brooke Shields, Margaret Thatcher, Steffi Graf, Barbra Streisand, Farrah Fawcett.



Mercury Square Jupiter

Your judgment may not be perfect today. You may tend to exaggerate and promise more than you can deliver. You may likely bite off more than you can chew. Mental arrogance is possible. Be tolerant of others' viewpoints. Be careful with contracts and other legal issues. You may appear closed-minded, smug or self-righteous to others.You love to express your ideas, sharing them with others quite readily. Jumping to conclusions can be a problem in your life. You often overlook details, preferring to discover the “big picture” quickly. Your thinking and studying habits are not always orderly or disciplined, and this can of course result in sloppiness. Especially with the opposition, you might vacillate between logical, precise thinking and an optimistic conclusion-drawing bent of mind, and in the process, it can be challenging for you to truly get to the heart of a subject or to focus for very long. You may confuse others with a critical flaw-finding conversation one moment, and an overly faithful and unrealistic opinion the next.While your intentions are generally good, you might overestimate what you are capable of, and promise more than you can deliver. Be careful not to develop a reputation for being unreliable, simply because you desire to make others happy with what you say or promise.You are inclined to exaggerate, often without meaning to, and you might have a hard time putting your ideas into practice. In an attempt to attach greater meaning to your thoughts and ideas, you might frequently overstate or overestimate. You can be extraordinarily funny and interesting.You possess an acute but disorderly mind; you can come to rapid conclusions without knowing all the facts. You must learn to be more disciplined, to concentrate more on details and to be more persistent with your projects. You are very generous and optimistic though your optimism can sometimes distance you from reality. — sample from the Adult report.Some Famous People with the Mercury in Hard Aspect to Jupiter: Squares – Arnold Bennett, Annie Bessant, Barry Bonds, Frank Capra, Julia Child, Jimmy Connors, Miles Davis, Dave Davies, Aretha Franklin, Madeline Kahn, Ted Kennedy Jr., Mata Hari, Bill Moyers, Ginger Rogers, Rod Stewart, John Travolta; Oppositions – Karen Allen, Chet Atkins, Dick Clark, Winston S. Churchill, Bill Cosby, Peter Jennings, John Lennon, Stevie Nicks, Pablo Picasso, Lisa Marie Presley, Vincent Price, Noah Wyle.



Mars Opposite Saturn

You may feel rather restrained and too disciplined by others at this time. You may feel purposely held back from doing the things you want to do. This can cause great frustration and great annoyance. Please try to make the best of it and do not try to get even with them or try to get back at them. The repercussions will only boomerang back to you. If others do not appreciate you at this time, just realize that it is best if you continue working hard, doing the best you can until this combination of energies passes. This can be a stressful aspect but do not fret and let it get to you and upset your health. Guard against falls, bumps and bruises. Wait this aspect out and your energies and freedom to do the things you desire will return. In the meantime, work hard and stay optimistic. Express your frustrations in a cool, calm manner. Don't keep everything inside.You are a perfectionist. You can pick at yourself and others unmercifully, trying to get circumstances in your life to match some unspecified standard. Your energy becomes freer to work in an unencumbered way when you recognize that you aren’t really looking to match an objective standard at all. What you want is to find some emotionally and psychologically defendable ground to stand on. The real trick in life for you is to keep moving. This is not easy since you should really only move ahead on a project after forethought or planning; your judgments tend to be colored by your fears or your momentary desires. You work very hard for what comes to you. This is unavoidable. But, you could end up working very hard for no gain. This is avoidable through balancing your drives with your responsibilities. You find that you have better health and much freer energy if you get vigorous physical exercise at least three times a week. — Interpretation sample from the In Depth report.Mars square Saturn or Mars opposition Saturn: *You work hard and patiently to achieve your objectives, persevering and continuing on in spite of difficulties and discouragement. Concentrating on a single, clearly defined goal, you are able to accomplish much, but you often feel that the way is long and arduous, and that you must struggle on alone, that it’s all on your shoulders.You are capable of great self-control and self-denial and can be a hard task master, expecting far too much of yourself. You also tend to hold yourself back, to doubt your own power and ability. You feel that you meet with great resistance whenever you try to assert yourself or take initiative. Anger and frustration can be big problems for you, especially when you try to work with other people or depend too much on others for support. You work best in solitude.#Your involvement with other people often focuses on the harshest side of human experience. You become aware of destructive energies around you and learn to overcome these difficulties. Your spiritual life can become the source of nearly inexhaustible energy. You face tests through separation.Some Famous People with the Mars in Hard Aspect to Saturn: Squares – Susan Sarandon, Claudia Schiffer, River Phoenix, Phil Hartman, Julius Caesar; Oppositions – Sheena Easton, Farrah Fawcett, Brooke Shields, Darryl Hannah, George Clooney, Todd Bridges, Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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