Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

8 September, 2023

The Sun

Solar activity returned to moderate levels this period. Region 3425 (N23E56, Dao/Beta) was the culprit for an M2.1/1B flare at 07/1909 UTC, which was the largest of the period. USAF observatories reported a type II radio sweep beginning at 07/1903 UTC with an estimated speed of 1,238 km/s in response to this event. Ejecta can also be seen in GOES-16 SUVI 304 Angstroms imagery in association. However, we currently await coronagraph imagery to conduct proper analysis and modeling of this event to determine any Earth-directed component to the subsequent CME.No other CMEs, aside from the aforementioned event, are thought to be Earth-directed . Region 3421 (N15W39, Eai/Beta-Gamma) continued to exhibit growth while maturing this period, developing a weak gamma configuration in its intermediate spots. Region 3418 (N20W39, Bxo/Beta) redeveloped spots this period causing a slight retrograde in longitude. Region 3426 (S16E15, Bxo/Beta) was numbered this period, but was otherwise unremarkable. The remaining ARs were either relatively stable or in decay.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently normal.

The solar wind environment reflected nominal conditions. Total field averaged between 2 nT and 5 nT, Bz was between +4 and -3 nT, and wind speeds decreased from near 430 km/s to 360 km/s by the periods end. The Phi angle was predominantly negative until near the end of period.

There is a 25% chance of solar activity, with a 15% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The Moon

The waning moon is currently in Cancer, at 00 degrees, 41' 09", at a velocity of 12.29 degrees per day.

The Third Quarter moon is currently 23.4 days old. It is 395506.65 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 1:40:05, 15 Sep, 2023. The next full moon is at 9:58:21, 29 Sep, 2023.

Planetary Information


The Sun

The Sun is in Virgo

The Sun is at 15 Vir 21' 34", and is 150742118km away and approaching.


The Moon

The Moon is in Cancer

The Moon is at 00 Can 41' 09", and is 397228km away and receding.

Moon Is In Cancer

Ahoy, star gazers and celestial surfers! The Moon, our dearest cosmic neighbor, has taken up temporary residence in the sign of Cancer. It's snuggled up so tight it might as well be wearing a crab shell onesie! Now, let's not forget, the Moon is still a whopping 396,991.801532657 kilometers away. So, no need to worry about lunar crustaceans crashing your weekend get-together. Now, when the Moon is chilling in Cancer, you might find yourself feeling a bit like a mood ring in a sauna: all over the place. That's because Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so it's like a homecoming for our lunar buddy, and homecomings can stir up all sorts of emotions. You might feel nostalgic, sensitive, or even a little crabby. Ha, get it? Crabby? Because Cancer... never mind. The next few days may seem like they're directed by Spielberg, full of emotionally charged moments and unexpected E.T. encounters. Don't worry, that's just the Moon doing its thing in the sign of the crab. It's a time to embrace your feelings, even if some of them are more "Alien" than "E.T." So, here's my advice: Get comfy in your cocoon (or shell, if you prefer), stock up on tissues and a good rom-com or twelve, and ride this emotional wave like you're surfing on the Milky Way. And remember, no matter how chaotic things might feel, the universe isn't spiraling out of control. It's just a little bit of lunar lunacy. Because, science!



Mercury is in Virgo

Mercury is retrograde at 11 Vir 55' 11", moving backwards at 0.9 degrees per day, and is 96899196km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Virgo

Whoa, hold onto your space helmets, stargazers! Our cosmic courier, Mercury, is on a retrograde road trip through the meticulous constellation of Virgo, and it's not stopping for any hitchhiking aliens. This isn't your typical joyride around the Milky Way. No, sir! It's like Dave Bowman trying to explain his journey into the monolith to HAL 9000. Now, Mercury in Virgo is like having Spock at the helm of your mental starship. Our minds become sharper than a Vulcan's ears, our speech as precise as a well-aimed phaser, and Lord save us, we start communicating with the efficiency of a Starfleet officer on double rations of Romulan Ale. Subtlety is about as welcome as a Tribble in a Klingon warship during this transit. We're not looking to sugar-coat our words with stardust. We want to laser-cut through the cosmic clutter and get straight to the inter-galactic point! In the grand cosmos of information, Virgo is that over-achieving astrophysicist who can assimilate copious amounts of data and spit out only the essentials faster than you can say 'Warp Speed'. So while Mercury joyrides through Virgo, our analytical abilities go into hyperdrive, helping us communicate our thoughts clearer than a distress signal from the USS Enterprise. Productivity is the name of the game during this transit. It might not be as fun as a zero-gravity dance-off, but the opportunities for progress are as vast as the Andromeda galaxy. Forget about getting stuck in a black hole of dead-end ideas or in conversations that spiral like a malfunctioning TARDIS. This is a time for details, useful information, and one giant leap forward for mankind. But wait, there's a cosmic caveat! While Mercury is playing tourist in Virgo, we must guard against turning into Galactic Grinches. Yes, discernment is good, but we can become so focused on finding faults that we start sounding like an insult-slinging Dalek. Let's remember to sprinkle a bit of cosmic tact in our word salads. After all, we're all just stardust hitching a ride on this cosmic carousel. So, let's buckle up, keep our space helmets on, and enjoy the ride!



Venus is in Leo

Venus is prograde at 12 Leo 32' 38", moving at 0.16 degrees per day, and is 55628186km away and receding.

Venus Is In Leo

Venus in Leo: The Galactic Love Roar

Fasten your seatbelts, star gazers, because Venus has taken a grand leap into the dramatic realm of Leo, and let's just say, things are about to get... interesting! You know that feeling when you fall in love and want to scream it from the top of the Eiffel Tower? Yeah, that's the energy we're dealing with here.

If love was a game of chess, Venus in Leo would be the queen - bold, powerful, and making moves others wouldn't dare. In fact, the universe isn't just hinting, it's practically handing out megaphones and encouraging us to declare our love with gusto. The timid need not apply!

But beware, my celestial compadres. When Leo hosts Venus, we don't simply want to be liked, we want to be adored. Think of yourself as a cosmic superstar; no autographs please, just sincere adoration and maybe a bouquet of roses or two (or twelve).

However, keep this in mind: Leo, while playful and vibrant, can also be the drama king or queen of the zodiac. If you're feeling neglected, you might be tempted to pull a diva move and spark up an argument, just so all eyes are on you again. Remember, there's no "i" in "we", but there is one in "diva".

Now, let's talk money while Venus is in Leo. Think of it as a tool to spread joy and create spectacular memories. Leo loves a bit of extravagance, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself splurging on that shiny thing you've been eyeing for weeks. But remember, Leo's generous heart shines the brightest when giving to others. So, go ahead and spoil your loved ones with thoughtful gifts. Just remember, it's not about the price tag, but the love and thought behind it.

Overall, Venus in Leo is here to add a dash of color, a sprinkle of excitement, and a whole lot of love to our lives. So let's embrace this cosmic ride and remember, a life without a little bit of fun and excitement is as dull as a black hole!



Mars is in Libra

Mars is prograde at 07 Lib 32' 55", moving at 0.65 degrees per day, and is 374792960km away and receding.

Mars Is In Libra

Greetings, celestial voyagers! Let's buckle up for a cosmic rollercoaster ride because our red neighbor, Mars, is currently crashing the Libra party! Now, Mars is usually the fire-breathing dragon of the zodiac, but in Libra's swanky mansion? He's more like a peace-loving hippie at a vegan potluck. If you've been feeling a sudden urge to make things right with everyone in your life, you can thank (or blame) Mars' vacation in Libra. It’s like that awkward family reunion where you just want to keep the peace and avoid all the drama. So, instead of churning out the usual Martian wrath, we’re channeling Libra's knack for diplomacy and charm. It’s less "Game of Thrones" and more "Pride and Prejudice." But here's the catch - just because everything seems hunky-dory on the surface doesn't mean we can brush all our issues under the cosmic carpet. Mars in Libra isn't about avoiding conflict, it's about handling it with grace. Think of it as a celestial conflict resolution seminar. We're dealing with our problems, not by throwing Martian punches, but by delivering Libran peace offerings. Libra, the cosmic judge Judy, also encourages us to fight for what's fair and square. So, if you've been sitting on the fence about something, now is the time to take a stand. Just remember, there's a fine line between being assertive and being aggressive. On the flip side, Mars in Libra might leave you feeling more indecisive than a kid in a candy store. Mars wants to charge ahead, while Libra wants to stop and smell the roses. If you find yourself procrastinating more than usual, don't fret. Just remember, it's not about rushing, it's about making the right moves with love, intention, and a fair bit of cosmic balance. So, folks, as Mars continues its celestial waltz through Libra, let's remember to channel our inner diplomats and peacekeepers. After all, we're not just star stuff, we're also part-time cosmic peacemakers!



Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is retrograde at 15 Tau 33' 34", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 656437390km away and approaching.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Ahoy, celestial navigators! Buckle up, we're taking a trip to the cosmic neighborhood! Jupiter, our jovial giant, has set up camp in the practical, slow-and-steady realm of Taurus. Think of it as if Dumbledore decided to teach Home Economics - magic meets meatloaf, anyone? Jupiter, the big daddy of wisdom, encourages deep thought like a caffeinated philosopher on a caffeine high. And Taurus? Well, this bull sign is as inert as a rock at a Metallica concert. Together, they remind us that spiritual enlightenment isn't some sort of cosmic Easter egg hunt. It's like your car keys or your glasses - always there, but often misplaced in the chaos of daily life. So, as Jupiter throws a cosmic shindig in Taurus' backyard, it's a fantastic chance to make some serious progress towards your dreams. It's like having a motivational coach and a meticulous project manager rolled into one, cheering you on and making sure you're ticking off those to-do lists. Trust the process, trust yourself, trust the science. Reach for the stars, even if you have to use a step ladder! Now, here comes the real kicker - Jupiter is the galaxy's lucky charm, and Taurus loves money more than a cat loves laser pointers. Put 'em together, and you've got a cosmic lottery ticket! But remember, with great potential for wealth comes great responsibility - don't go blowing your fortune on space-age avocado toasters. Taurus can be as indulgent as a kid in a candy store, and when Jupiter, the planet of expansion, waltzes in, the line between needs and wants might get blurrier than the plot of a sci-fi time travel movie. So, keep a cool head, stay grounded, and remember - slow and steady wins the race, even in the fast-paced cosmos! So, buckle up, astro-nerds! It's gonna be a wild, enlightening ride. And remember - the universe might not always make sense, but hey, that's just part of the fun!



Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is retrograde at 02 Pis 56' 38", moving backwards at 0.07 degrees per day, and is 1314032821km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Saturn In Pisces: Your Cosmic Reality Check

Alright folks, buckle up and prepare your geeky hearts because Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, has just clocked into Pisces, the ultimate dreamer of the zodiac. By my calculations, that puts our ringed friend a cool 1,314,014,565.295798540km away, and retrograde to boot. Now, I know what you're thinking – "Retrograde? Again?!" But don't panic! This isn't Mercury, we're not looking at a universal tech support nightmare. This is Saturn, the grandpa of the cosmos and he's got some wisdom to share.

Saturn in Pisces is like having your very own Yoda-on-demand. It's about taking those daydreams of yours (you know, the ones where you're a best-selling author or the next Elon Musk) and figuring out how to make them a reality. Sure, it's going to require some planning – a business plan here, a budget there, maybe even a loan application or two – but when the Master of Rules meets the King of Dreams, you'd better believe things are going to get done. Just make sure you've got a notepad handy for all those lightbulb moments!

Now, I won't lie to you. Saturn in Pisces can be a bit like having your favorite fantasy novel edited by a high school English teacher. You might feel like your dreams are being dissected and scrutinized, and that's no fun. But remember, Saturn's not here to ruin your fun, he's like that one friend who points out you've got spinach in your teeth – it's uncomfortable, but ultimately helpful.

And with all this cosmic activity stirring up the Piscean waters, don't be surprised if you're feeling a tad more restless than usual. This is prime time for self-care, my friend. Meditate, commune with nature, do some deep breathing exercises, and yes, even take naps (dream journal at the ready, of course!). It's all about cultivating that inner calm and tuning into the wisdom of this transit.

So, as the Earth spins and Saturn continues its cosmic dance, remember to embrace the opportunities this transit brings. Sure, it might seem daunting, but just like that complex astrophysics equation, once you crack it, the results are out of this world!



Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 23 Tau 01' 56", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 2876247628km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Uranus in Taurus: An Interstellar Roller Coaster

Well, my celestial padawans, Uranus has pulled a fast one on us and decided to take a seven-year vacation in good old reliable Taurus. As much as our bull-headed friend prefers the comfort of its routine, like a well-worn Tatooine tunic, Uranus is about as predictable as Chewbacca in a chess match!

So strap in your starfighter seats — we're in for some hyperdrive-level changes! And here's the kicker, they're mostly going to be about money. Yep, that's right. With Uranus in Taurus, we're looking at a financial revolution that could make the fall of the Galactic Empire look like a minor banking hiccup.

We might see new forms of currency pop up faster than droids in a sandcrawler. Banks? Well, they might just spontaneously evolve or implode like Alderaan (too soon?). The housing and stock markets? Buckle up, it's going to be like navigating an asteroid field!

Now, on a personal level, this transit is all about breaking free from the tractor beam of financial stress. Debt, taxes, credit card interest, rent, mortgages — all these dark Sith Lords of our wallets are in for a force push! We're talking a serious rethink of our bond to material possessions. It's like Yoda said, "Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is."

But remember, resistance is futile... or was that a different franchise? Anyway, pulling a Princess Leia and resisting change won’t make things any easier. On the contrary, the changes we make during this period can actually lead us to a stability stronger than a Wookiee's loyalty. So, like it or not, change is coming. And who knows? In the end, you might find these revolutionary shifts have brought you to a galaxy far, far better.



Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 26 Pis 34' 44", moving backwards at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 4326038585km away and approaching.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Neptune In Pisces: The Dalek Edition

Alert! Alert! The gaseous giant Neptune has parked its cosmic caboose in the mystical realm of Pisces, so strap on your space helmets and prepare for a whirlwind tour of inner space. And hold onto your sonic screwdrivers, because Neptune is currently in retrograde - which is not, as it might sound, a cool new dance move or a hipster clothing trend. It's actually 4,326,050,751.614476204km away, to be precise...ish. Yes, we astrologers don't just make this stuff up!

Now, Neptune in Pisces is like a cosmic fog machine, mixing the water sign's emotional depth with the planet's dreamy vibes to create a celestial soup of introspection. It's a bit like finding yourself at a space-age music festival where everyone is wearing tie-dye and talking about unity, love and peace. Suddenly, those petty human differences seem as insignificant as a single star in the vastness of the universe (which, let me assure you, they are).

This cosmic event is not a call to arms but a call to hearts. It's time to dust off your dreams, polish your ideas, and bring out those hidden talents. Can you juggle quantum particles? Write sonnets about Schroedinger's cat? Good! The universe wants to see what you've got up your sleeve.

Whether you're drawn to meditation, yoga, or deciphering alien languages, now is the perfect time to explore the spiritual path that calls to you. Maybe even set up a little shrine at home - nothing fancy, a little TARDIS model, perhaps a picture of your favourite Doctor - and connect with that which feels sacred to you.

Remember, Whovians, as we navigate through this retrograde rendezvous with Neptune in Pisces, don't be afraid to share your cosmic insights with the world. The universe is vast, mysterious, and sometimes a little bit scary, but it's also full of wonder. So, keep exploring, keep dreaming, and remember - in the immortal words of the Doctor - "We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?"



Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is retrograde at 28 Cap 08' 12", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 5109376566km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Greetings, earthling! Looks like the cosmos is doing its cosmic thing again. You guessed it. The ever-mysterious Pluto, that cold, tiny rock we demoted from planet status a few years back (sorry buddy), is currently holding court in Capricorn. Yes, that goat-fish hybrid of the zodiac. No, I don't get it either. Picture Pluto in a power suit, sipping on black coffee, and checking stocks on Wall Street. It's all about success and power now. Don't be surprised if you find yourself turning into Gordon Gekko from 'Wall Street' or Miranda Priestly from 'The Devil Wears Prada.' Both Pluto and Capricorn are giving you some serious "I mean business" vibes. But remember, all work and no play might make you a bit intolerant of anyone who doesn't share your 5-year plan. Pluto, the cosmic Marie Kondo, wants you to declutter your life of the patterns that don't spark joy anymore. And yes, you will have to break some stuff to make new stuff. This isn't your "oops, I dropped my favorite mug" kind of break. It's more like, "I'm deliberately smashing this old, ugly vase to make room for a new, beautiful one." So, while Pluto is off being the Wall Street tycoon in Capricorn, take some time to channel your inner Steve Jobs, and remember: "Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity - not a threat." Now, go forth, my celestial superstar, and remember: The truth (and your best life) is out there!

Current Planetary Aspects

Current Chart
Sun15 Vir 21' 34"
Moon00 Can 41' 09"
Mercury11 Vir 55' 11" R
Venus12 Leo 32' 38"
Mars07 Lib 32' 55"
Jupiter15 Tau 33' 34" R
Saturn02 Pis 56' 38" R
Uranus23 Tau 01' 56" R
Neptune26 Pis 34' 44" R
Pluto28 Cap 08' 12" R

Current Planetary Positions


The Sun

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Mercury

You may feel like expressing yourself today through your thoughts and words. You feel a need to be heard, that you have something of importance to say. Say what is on your mind, but give equal time to others and listen to them. You might learn something new. Your thinking today should be sharp and focused.

The Sun

The Sun

Sun Trine Jupiter

Today should be a fortunate day for you. Your confidence and optimism are high. Today is a good day to put plans into action and to participate in group activities. Expand your horizons and pick up something new to learn. It's a good time to grow, to be generous and caring, and to reach out and make others happy. Ask your boss for a raise as those in authority are likely to be receptive today.Endowed with generosity and friendliness, these people appear to be lucky in life. They attract good things with a positive frame of mind and a charitable disposition. Rarely entirely “down and out”, people with Sun in harmonious aspect to Jupiter are usually well-received, helpful, and well-informed. They may enjoy travel and have a special affection for foreign places and people. They’re generally not very competitive people, and for the most part not combative either. As a result, they are usually well-liked.These people are usually good-hearted with strong morals and much faith in life and in people. They prefer to find good in situations and in people. They don’t have a lot of patience with those who break the rules, as they generally believe in order, equality, and the law. They generally make good on their promises, and the sincerity they exude can be trusted. Looking on the bright side is their forte–turn to these people for a pleasing dose of faith and optimism. They are quick to chuckle and can’t resist any appeal to their sense of humor. Some people with this aspect are downright jolly. Others are less conspicuous, but their faith in life and willingness to find humor in life are nevertheless obvious.Some Famous People with Sun in Harmonious Aspect to Jupiter: Trines – Hank Aaron, Ben Affleck, Antonio Banderas, Ashley Judd, Evel Knievel, Shari Lewis, Carol Lewis, Camilla Parker Bowles, Peter Sellers, Alicia Witt, Justin Timberlake; Sextiles – Prince Andrew (of England), Madonna, Albert Camus, Samantha Fox, Courtney Love, Elvis Presley.Alternate interpretations:Sun trine Jupiter: You have big aspirations but do not struggle or labor to achieve them. Your self-confidence and inner harmony attract success and benefits to you in an almost magical way. Your optimism and cheerful generosity also win you many allies and successes in life. — Interpretation from our Merlin Profile report.Sun trine Jupiter: The qualities of luck, energy, magnanimity, and good spirits here are pronounced. If you also have Moon square or opposition Saturn, or Sun square or opposition Uranus, or Moon conjunct Mars, or Sun square or opposition Saturn: The creative urge is also brought out.You have lots of vitality and optimism, together with a broad, tolerant, philosophic viewpoint – a sort of hail-fellow-well-met person making friends readily and generally keeping them. This is an excellent position for business. If you also have Mars conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter conjunct Saturn, Jupiter conjunct Uranus, Jupiter conjunct Neptune, Moon square or opposition Saturn, Moon conjunct Mars, Sun square or opposition Saturn, or Jupiter sextile or trine Saturn: You find a successful career of considerable scope and influence.In a professional or artistic career this insures financial return. No poet with this aspect ever starved in a garret, or anywhere else, for that matter. You spend freely and convivially, and your abundant vitality makes it possible for you to keep going for a long time. — Interpretation from the Heaven Knows What report.Sun trine Jupiter: Jupiter, the planet of mercy, confers an optimistic approach whenever there are life challenges to be met. This aspect is fortunate because it promotes successful outcomes in general, as far as personal goals and recognition.You’re a generous and loyal friend. You are basically honest and you have a sincere desire to do right by your fellow man. It’s easy for you to be indulgent with others and you’re a naturally big-hearted person. Use this trait with open eyes. — Interpretation from the Your Life Path report.Sun trine Jupiter: Being successful in life is easy, for you have a built-in sense of how to approach and unravel even the most difficult problems. You have an instinct for justice and the law, and you always know how to approach a problem from just the right angle. This ability makes you a natural counselor or guide for others, in particular regarding vocational matters. Working with and helping older persons is also suggested. — Interpretation from Zet Software.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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