By The Chip Witch on Wednesday, 04 October 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 4 October, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

4 October, 2023

Solar activity has been at low levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a C3 event observed at 03/0940Z from Region 3450 (S19W10, Eai/Beta-Gamma). Region 3450 remains the largest and most active. The next largest was 3452 (N11E19, Eai/Beta). There are seven other numbered sunspot regions on the disk. New Region 3456 (S31W06, Bxo-Beta) emerged rapidly south of Region 3450.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

Solar wind speed reached a peak of 487 km/s at 03/1947Z. Total IMF reached 8 nT at 03/1948Z. The maximum southward component of Bz reached -6 nT at 03/1138Z. DSCOVR produced some confounding signatures and suspect data throughout the period, making interpretation difficult.

There is a 20% chance of solar activity, with a 10% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Gemini, at 13 degrees, 55' 49", at a velocity of 13.01 degrees per day.

The Waning Gibbous moon is currently 20 days old. It is 388378.1 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 17:55:08, 14 Oct, 2023. The next full moon is at 20:24:27, 28 Oct, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Libra

The Sun is at 10 Lib 46' 21", and is 149668199km away and approaching.

The Moon

The Moon is in Gemini

The Moon is at 13 Gem 55' 49", and is 385996km away and receding.

Moon Is In Gemini

Ahoy, celestial crusaders! Gather 'round for another episode of 'Astrology with a Twist'. Today's episode is brought to you by our favorite celestial body, the Moon, currently parked in the cosmic driveway of Gemini. Now, if you're looking at your GPS and wondering, "How far away is this Gemini? Do I need to pack a lunch?" The answer is, yes, absolutely pack a lunch. Maybe even a dinner and a few snacks because we're talking about a staggering 385,668.800267607 kilometers. That’s right! Or in layman's terms, it's far, far away. Like, "forgot where I left my glasses" kind of far, but in reality, they’re just on top of your head! Now, when the Moon pulls up its celestial socks and hitches a ride to Gemini town, things get a bit... chatty. You know how your grandma gets after her third cup of Earl Grey? Well, imagine that, but on a cosmic scale. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet with the gift of gab, the cosmic chatterbox, the interstellar Oprah. So, don't be surprised if you find yourself suddenly waxing poetic about the biochemistry of photosynthesis at your next Zoom meeting. But remember, fellow star-travelers, with great verbosity comes great responsibility. Don't just use this lunar loquaciousness to explain why Star Wars is scientifically inaccurate (though it is), or to compile an extensive list of every variety of alien species in the known universe (that would take a while). Use your words to connect, to bridge gaps, to bring people together. After all, Gemini is the sign of the Twins, all about connection, communication, and hopefully not losing your car keys in the midst of an energetic debate about quantum mechanics. So, strap yourselves in, folks! It's going to be a wild ride through the cosmos, complete with witty banter, unexpected insights, and maybe, just maybe, a better understanding of your place in this grand universe of ours. And as always, remember: the stars may guide us, but it's our actions that write the story. Over and out, cosmic voyagers!


Mercury is in Virgo

Mercury will change from Virgo to Libra in the next 24 hours.

Mercury is prograde at 28 Vir 42' 07", moving at 1.74 degrees per day, and is 185776477km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Virgo

Mercury In Virgo: Nerd Alert!

Alright, star gazers, we've got our speedy little friend Mercury hanging out in homey Virgo. Now, Mercury's only about 185 million kilometers away (give or take a few thousand), but don't worry, no need to send out a space probe or anything. It's all under control in the cosmic neighborhood.

So what does this mean for us Earthlings? Well, imagine your brain as a supercomputer temporarily hooked up with a gigabit fiber-optic cable. Your processing speed is off the charts, you're cutting through B.S like a lightsaber through butter, and your communication skills are on par with a golden-age debate champion.

Virgo, being the cosmic librarian, just loves tidying up all that messy information in our heads, turning brain fog into crystal clear thoughts. So, while Mercury's in Virgo, it's like having your very own mental Marie Kondo helping you to sort out the useful from the useless. But remember, it's not just about decluttering, it's about joy-sparking details!

Now, this isn't a free pass to turn into a couch potato. Nope! This is the universe's way of strapping a rocket to your productivity levels. Trust me, there'll be no getting stuck in the mire of circular conversations or idea cul-de-sacs. It's all systems go!

But let's not get too carried away. With all this high-powered analytical energy, there's a risk of turning into a hyper-critical hermit. So try not to nitpick every single thing, alright? We're all human, even you. So remember to keep your criticisms constructive, or you might find yourself with the social appeal of a xenomorph at a tea party.

So, in a nutshell - Mercury in Virgo: Time to get your nerd on, but don't forget your manners at the door!


Venus is in Leo

Venus is prograde at 26 Leo 04' 16", moving at 0.79 degrees per day, and is 81782658km away and receding.

Venus Is In Leo

Venus In Leo: A Star Wars Edition

Attention all galaxies, near and far, far away: Venus just performed a hyperspace jump into the realm of Leo, the Star Wars equivalent of a Wookiee in a karaoke bar. Yep, prepare for some passionate solos! Venus in Leo is like Yoda after a double espresso, it's all about the love, the drama, and not being afraid to let your inner Jedi shine. And boy, does it shine like a lightsaber in a dark cave!

With Venus strutting around in the regal aura of Leo, we don't just want to be liked, we want to be adored. Think Princess Leia in that golden bikini, okay? Yes, the Force is strong with this one. It's time to awaken your inner Skywalker and make those grand gestures. Those who choose to play it safe might find themselves stuck on Tatooine while the rest of us are partying on Endor.

But remember, my dear star-faring friends, love isn’t a calm Ewok picnic when Venus is in Leo. Leo has the dramatic flair of a Death Star explosion, and if we feel like we're not getting the standing ovation we deserve, we may go full Darth Vader on our unsuspecting loved ones. During this transit, we might even spark a lightsaber duel just to feel like the center of the galaxy again. But let’s not forget, “Do or do not, there is no try.” The more we focus on our ego, the higher the chance we’ll end up alone in a galaxy far, far away.

As for your galactic credits? Well, they're simply a means to an end while Venus is in Leo. We're talking about treating yourself and those you care about to a luxurious trip to Cloud City. Leo, like Lando Calrissian, appreciates the finer things in life, so don't be afraid to splurge a little. But remember, Venus in Leo also has the heart of a Jedi, and giving generously to others will bring more satisfaction than any self-indulgence.

Venus in Leo is like the Mos Eisley Cantina — loud, colorful, and full of interesting characters. It's a time that can re-energize your relationships faster than a Millennium Falcon on lightspeed. Embrace it, live it, and remember: "May the Force be with you."


Mars is in Libra

Mars is prograde at 24 Lib 41' 04", moving at 0.67 degrees per day, and is 380627311km away and receding.

Mars Is In Libra

Alright, folks. Gather 'round and let me tell ya about our red planet neighbor, Mars, who's currently playing house in the sign of Libra. Now, I know what you're thinking: "What does that mean for me?". Well, sit tight and get ready for some cosmic wisdom with a nerdy twist. Now, Mars is like that buddy of yours who's always ready for a good ol' dust up, while Libra, on the other hand, is like that friend who organizes the book club and always insists on bringing homemade hummus to the party. You see where I'm going with this? During this cosmic combo, we're all inclined to play nice and avoid rocking the spaceship. Instead of donning our battle armors - ahem, Mars - we're more likely to put on our peacemaker caps, courtesy of Libra. Basically, we’re more Spock than Kirk during this transit, seeking logic and peace over impulsive action. But be aware, my fellow Earthlings, this whole "Can't we all just get along?" vibe can make it easy to ignore any intergalactic-sized issues lurking in the background. Just remember, we aren't avoiding the alien in the room, we're addressing it with Vulcan-like diplomacy. Libra, being the justice-seeker of the zodiac, means this is also a time to stand up for what is right, fair, and equitable. So, if you've been feeling like your office resembles the oppressive reign of Goa'uld System Lords, now might be the time to diplomatically voice your concerns. But, here's the kicker: Mars is itching to push the warp drive button while Libra wants to calculate the precise coordinates. This can cause a bit of celestial procrastination or indecisiveness. Remember, folks, as long as you're acting with love, peace, and justice, you're navigating the right course. So, in a nutshell: Mars in Libra is like a Starfleet diplomatic mission led by Captain Picard, where everyone drinks tea and discusses their feelings instead of shooting phasers. So, gear up for some harmonious debates, folks, and remember to boldly go where no one has gone before!


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is retrograde at 14 Tau 08' 38", moving backwards at 0.09 degrees per day, and is 613951453km away and approaching.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

When Jupiter Hitches a Ride on the Taurus Express

Buckle up, stargazers! Jupiter, our solar system's most jovial and rotund planet, has decided to park its celestial mass in the tranquil pastures of Taurus. Imagine if you will, a cosmic hippie van pulling into a quiet suburban neighborhood. That's Jupiter in Taurus.

This cosmic combo is like having Yoda as your life coach. It subtly reminds us that we're as wise as ancient sages, but we’ve just been too busy binge-watching cat videos to realize it. Jupiter in Taurus is like a cosmic sticky note on your refrigerator door saying, "Hey, you! Yes, you! Remember, enlightenment isn't something you order via Amazon Prime. It's right there inside you, sandwiched between your love for pizza and your fear of spiders."

Ever had that dream of starting an underwater basket weaving business? Or perhaps building a fort made entirely of marshmallows? Well, now is the time to turn those eccentric dreams into reality. Jupiter's knack for expansion and Taurus' stubborn determination are teaming up to cheer you on. So, grab your to-do list, and start making those dreams come true one marshmallow at a time.

The Jupiter-Taurus duo also has a Midas touch. Jupiter is the Bill Gates of planets, while Taurus is basically Scrooge McDuck incarnate. Together, they might just turn your piggy bank into a full-blown treasury. But remember folks, with great power comes great responsibility. Don't blow your newfound wealth on a lifetime supply of glow-in-the-dark toilet paper.

Finally, let's address the elephant in the room - Taurus' extravagant tastes. When Jupiter, the cosmic yes-man, teams up with luxury-loving Taurus, we might find ourselves wanting that diamond-encrusted cat tower or that gold-plated pizza slicer. But remember, just because you CAN have it doesn’t mean you NEED it. Or as Spock would say, "Logic must prevail over desire."

So, here’s the final punch line: Jupiter in Taurus is like your favorite sitcom - full of hilarious twists and turns, but always ending with a valuable life lesson. So, enjoy the ride, and remember to laugh along the way!


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is retrograde at 01 Pis 18' 31", moving backwards at 0.05 degrees per day, and is 1341886665km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Saturn In Pisces: The Cosmic Stand-Up Act

So, Saturn walks into a bar, right? And the bar is Pisces. It's a bit murky, a bit dreamy, and the jukebox is playing 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' on repeat. Saturn, being the stern taskmaster he is, looks around and thinks, "Well, this place could use some organizing."

This isn't the first time our ringed friend has tried to play cosmic Marie Kondo, but now he's in Pisces, the zodiac's final sign, and things are about to get real... real dreamy, that is. So, dust off those daydreams of starting your own alpaca farm or inventing a new kind of reusable straw because Saturn is ready to help you make them happen. Just don't mind the nagging, he's like the planetary version of a personal trainer - no pain, no gain, right?

But don't think Saturn's visit to Pisces is all sunshine, rainbows, and easy-to-assemble IKEA furniture. Oh, no. Saturn might be like the cosmic dad who suddenly bursts into your room and starts questioning your life choices. "What's this? A dream about becoming a professional cat herder? Really?" But don't slam the door on his face or hang the "Keep Out" sign just yet. His advice may be as helpful as a pocket calculator at a Star Trek convention.

With Saturn poking around in Pisces, you might find yourself staring at the ceiling at 3am, contemplating the mysteries of the universe. Or why pineapple on pizza is such a divisive topic. So, embrace the insomnia and start a dream journal - who knows, you might find the blueprint for a warp drive hidden in your dreams. Maybe meditate, go for a long walk among the trees, or just take a good old-fashioned nap. Heck, hit the sack early for some well-deserved rest. Because when Saturn in Pisces speaks, it's like the universe whispering sweet quantum physics in your ear.

So buckle up, stargazers. Saturn in Pisces is like a cosmic comedy club gig – it might be uncomfortable at times, but you'll come out with a whole new appreciation for life's absurdities and perhaps, an actionable plan for your wildest dreams. And remember, even if Saturn seems like he's raining on


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 22 Tau 33' 06", moving backwards at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 2822914604km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

"Hold onto your telescopes, stargazers! Uranus, that rebel without a cause, has just burst into the room of Taurus, like a bull in a china shop! Why is this a big deal? Well, let's just say introducing Uranus to Taurus is like inviting an alien to a knitting club - hilarity and chaos is bound to ensue. You see, Taurus is all about comfort zones. It's that cozy armchair you've perfectly molded to your behind over the years, it's your grandma’s hand-knitted sweater, it's the same old meatloaf recipe you've been devouring since childhood. Taurus loves familiarity, tradition, and stability. Now, here comes Uranus, the hipster of the solar system, with his outlandish ideas and revolutionary spirit, ready to upset Taurus' apple cart - and probably turn it into an organic juice bar. So, what does this cosmic clash mean for us earthlings? Well, expect some seismic shifts in the world of finance. As much as we love our piggy banks and physical cash (it's such a Taurus thing), Uranus might just convince us to embrace cryptocurrencies, NFTs, or who knows, maybe even intergalactic credits! On a personal level, it's time to reassess our relationship with money and material possessions. Are you clinging onto that old comic book collection because it gives you joy, or just because it's worth a bunch of money? Is your obsession with upgrading to the latest smartphone really necessary, or are you just trying to keep up with the Joneses? Remember, folks, change can be as scary as spotting an alien spaceship, but sometimes, it's needed to shake things up and progress. So, don't be a grumpy old Taurus about it. Embrace the Uranian energy and you might just find yourself in a much better place. Just make sure you hold onto your hats, because with Uranus in the driving seat, it's going to be one wild ride!"


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 25 Pis 52' 07", moving backwards at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 4329113551km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Good day, Space Explorers! Grab your pocket protectors and tie-dye t-shirts because we've got an Astro-update that's out of this world. Our big blue friend, Neptune, is taking a cosmic vacay in Pisces. Now, I know what you're thinking: "But Doc Ellie, isn't Neptune like 4.3 billion kilometers away?" And to that I say, "Why yes, my astute astro-nerd, it is!" But distance shmistance, right? So, what does Neptune in Pisces mean for us mere Earthlings? Well, imagine if Spock and John Lennon had a baby – that's the kind of energy we're dealing with here. As the Piscean focus on emotion and spirit does a Vulcan mind-meld with Neptune’s pull to unify all things, we get a clarity that's brighter than the glow from a lava lamp. Suddenly, all those petty differences we've been squabbling over seem as insignificant as a single speck of stardust in the vast cosmos. The idea of coming together shines like a gold vinyl record spinning on a turntable, and the path to peace, love, and unity is lit up like a Pink Floyd laser show. This cosmic event is like the universe's way of saying: “Hey you, yeah you! You’ve got something special to contribute, so let's see it!” So whether you're a dreamer, a doer, or a die-hard Trekkie, it's time to boldly go where no one has gone before and explore your emotional intelligence for your own unique offerings. Feeling a spiritual pull? Now's the perfect time to sign up for that Reiki course, or maybe Feng Shui your living room into the perfect meditation space. Neptune in Pisces is basically sending us an interstellar invitation to connect with our sacred selves and then – wait for it – share these groovy vibes with the world. And remember, even though Neptune is billions of kilometers away, its energy is here to support us in this cosmic journey. So, keep your antennas up, your hearts open, and your minds curious. Peace, love, and Star Trek, my friends!


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is retrograde at 27 Cap 54' 10", moving backwards at 0 degrees per day, and is 5169437079km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Well, stardust siblings, gather 'round the cosmic campfire and let's rap about our dear ol' distant cousin, Pluto -- you know, that one who got uninvited from the planet party but we still love him anyway. He's chillin' in Capricorn's crib right now and let me tell you, it's like watching Sheldon Cooper trying to organize a Led Zeppelin reunion tour. Now, Pluto's got this whole "out with the old, in with the new" vibe going on, like a celestial Marie Kondo. Meanwhile, Capricorn is all about climbing that ladder of success, rockin' a business suit while scaling the mountain of ambition. You put these two together, and it's like trying to build an IKEA bookshelf while running a Fortune 500 company. During this transit, you might find yourself being a bit more...let's say, 'focused' (read: obsessive) than usual. Your tolerance for other people's views could nosedive faster than a black hole swallowing up light. But remember, my interstellar amigos, diversity of thought is the spice of life, not something to be tossed aside like last season's flared jeans. But hey, there's a silver lining to this cosmic conga line. Pluto's here to help us shake off those bad habits, like binging on alien conspiracy documentaries at 3 a.m. or hoarding crystals because they 'might' come in handy during the next lunar eclipse. It's a time for a bit of healthy destruction, like deleting that pesky Candy Crush app that's been devouring your free time. So, as we navigate this Plutonic-Capricorn mashup, remember to be deliberate in what you let go. It's like a cosmic game of Tetris – you need to clear the old lines to make space for the new ones. And for the love of Uranus, please, be kind to others' ideas. We're all just shooting stars in this vast cosmic soup, trying to find our way home. Peace out!

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun10 Lib 46' 21"
Moon13 Gem 55' 49"
Mercury28 Vir 42' 07"
Venus26 Leo 04' 16"
Mars24 Lib 41' 04"
Jupiter14 Tau 08' 38" R
Saturn01 Pis 18' 31" R
Uranus22 Tau 33' 06" R
Neptune25 Pis 52' 07" R
Pluto27 Cap 54' 10" R

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Trine Moon

There is a nice balance today between your emotional side and your ego. This will promote harmony with women, the public, family members, and children. Think about talking over emotional issues with the people you are close to as this transit brings harmony and a willingness to compromise and see the others' point of view.

When the Sun and Moon are in harmonious aspect, you may not be prepared for conflict and could be inclined to avoid rocking the boat. You may give in a little too often, if only to maintain a feeling of balance and harmony, as conflict is something not only disliked, it’s something you might fear. The tendency towards too much acceptance (of the self and of others) is most prominent with the trine. Question life, or run the risk of taking things for granted.


Mercury Opposite Neptune

Confusion is likely today in your relationships with other people. Take care and read all the fine print. Stay away from taking permanent legal actions as your thinking is colored by who knows what. You may be suckered into something you don't want to do or don't believe in, so watch your step. Misunderstandings in communicating with others is possible. Remember, they may not be hearing what you are trying to say. Nervous anxiety and tension may make you feel listless today. Don't let your imagination carry you away.You might have problems concentrating because your mind is often wandering. Your thinking is exceptionally imaginative, intuitive, and creative. Stretching the truth, whether done consciously or not (or a bit of both), is associated with this position. Bored with anything dull, routine, or lifeless, you often dramatize or connect higher meaning to ordinary events and situations. You are often vague in your communications, purposefully or not, as you resist being pinned down to any one opinion or stance. This is partly due to your ability to see so many different points of view and perspectives. Logical, detail-oriented work and studies are not designed for your way of thinking and learning. Creative presentations, ripe with images and imagery, are what grab your attention and interest. Your style of communication, or possibly thinking, is often self-defeating, and you should consciously avoid a tendency to give up on projects or plans before they even get off the ground. Planning ahead is not a preference, as you prefer to move along running on the fuel of inspiration and intuition.Your style of communication may be unusual, perhaps with many pauses or digressions. You may be deliberately vague or unintentionally so, depending on your nature. Some of you are great storytellers.Sample interpretation from the Merlin report — Your mind is highly imaginative and creative and you possess dramatic, artistic, or musical abilities. As a child, you enjoyed daydreaming, fantasizing, pretending, and probably lived in “your own little world” a good deal. You perceive things which are not obvious to other people and you have an uncanny ability to “read” people and situations without being told anything about them. However, you must learn to discriminate between a true psychic perception and your imagination. Learning to discipline and focus your mind is necessary if you wish to use all of your creative potential. Otherwise, you could be simply a dreamer.Communication with others is difficult for you because you often find words frustrating and inadequate to express your experiences and perceptions. Also, you may purposefully mystify or deceive others.Some Famous People with the Mercury in Hard Aspect to Neptune: Squares – Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison, Donald Trump, Jim Bakker, Mae West, Spencer Tracy, Tom Snyder, Rich Little, Jack London, Bob Dylan; Oppositions – Bono (U2), Marlene Dietrich, Richard Chamberlain, Florence Henderson, Charles De Gaulle, Christian Dior.


Mercury Trine Pluto

Your powers of perception are very sharp. You can go right to the heart of the matter with the skill of a competent surgeon. You might want to play detective today and ferret out some of nature's secrets. You long for a deeper understanding of things and have the skill today to do so. Share your discoveries with others. Conversations with others may profoundly affect your thinking.Interpretation sample from the In-Depth Profile report — You go to the origin of a problem once you start working on it. You communicate with a quick, soft-spoken force that others pick up on magnetically. You have both broad range and depth of interest. You are very versatile and make a great problem solver. Your mind is naturally interested in security issues which can run the gambit from ordinary cops and robber stuff, to high tech computer theft, national security, and the international monetary fund. To fully use your skills you should spend time analyzing your motives. Do a thorough investigation as to your own beliefs about the meaning of life. Once you have these issues resolved you will not feel as secretive and your mental energy will be freer.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mercury and Pluto have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Some Famous People with Mercury in Harmonious Aspect to Pluto: Sextiles – Bruce Springsteen, Tatum O’Neal, Peter Lynch, Amelia Earhart, Troy Aikman; Trines – Drew Barrymore, Brad Pitt, Larry Bird, Bridget Fonda, Crispin Glover, Jean Harlow, Larry King, Moliere, Ralph Nader, Sylvia Plath.


Venus Sextile Mars

Harmony in social activities is highlighted today. Activities with the opposite sex are enjoyable and rewarding. Romance is in your blood. Show someone you care for them. They will appreciate your sharing your feelings. Clean your house and do that redecorating you had planned. Make your surroundings more beautiful.It is easy for these people to attract attention of the positive kind. They radiate charm, vitality, and enthusiasm on some level that others appreciate. Not inclined to try to cover up their flaws, these people have a way of presenting themselves in a straightforward manner, and their ability to admit their mistakes and their fumbles only adds to their charm. They find it easy and natural to get along with both sexes quite equally. They possess considerable creative talent, but whether or not they use it is dependent on other factors. They may take their own talents for granted and often need some kind of stimulus or encouragement to do something with them. One of the reasons for this is the fact that their creativity comes so naturally to them that they may be surprised when others recognize their talents. Similarly, they usually possess athletic ability and may need some encouragement to develop it.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Venus and Mars have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Interpretation sample from the Karmic Insight report — Actively creating harmony and beauty through your work, art, or with people is part of what you are here to do. You have developed a harmonious coordination between the masculine and feminine energies within yourself; thus, you combine strength with grace, power with elegance, decisiveness and effort with pleasure, passion with tenderness and sensitivity. You have a romantic soul.Some positive expressions of this pattern might include athletic activities that have an aesthetic appeal, such as figure skating, or artistic endeavors that are active, such as performing dance or opera singing.Actively bringing people together in some way, for mutual pleasure and benefits, is also one of your gifts.Some Famous People with Venus in Harmonious Aspect to Mars: Sextiles – Pamela Anderson, Shannen Doherty, Ian Thorpe, Harry Belafonte, Kirk Cameron, Francis Ford Coppola, Jane Curtin, Matt Damon, Robert DeNiro, Harrison Ford, Erich Fromm, Crispin Glover, Elliott Gould, Amy Jo Johnson, Bob Newhart, Molly Ringwald, Robin Williams; Trines – Melissa Anderson, Jason Bateman, Pierre Cardin, Natalie Cole, John Coltrane, Mick Jagger, Ann Jillian, Billie Jean King, Marilyn Manson, Joe Montana, Bonnie Raitt, Eva Mendes, Britney Spears.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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