By The Chip Witch on Thursday, 21 March 2024
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 21 March, 2024

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

21 March, 2024

Solar activity reached moderate levels. The largest flare was an M7.4/3b (R2; Moderate) flare at 20/0736 UTC from Region 3615 (S12E39, Ekc/beta-gamma-delta). Seven designated sunspot groups were present on the visible solar disk. Region 3615 stretched 13 degrees in length and underwent some growth, particularly in the intermediate section. The region is magnetically complex, but mostly with regards to its delta components; magnetic shear is fair in those areas, but is otherwise minor to moderate elsewhere. This region also produced numerous C-class flares. No discernible CME was associated with the M7 flare.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

Solar wind parameters were indicative of a slow regime. Total IMF strength was mainly at 5 nT or less most of the reporting period, but did increase slightly to near 7 nT later. The Bz component was near neutral, with a few periods of weak southward direction. Solar wind speed declined from ~400 km/s to about 315 km/s. The phi angle was predominantly in a negative sector.

There is a 35% chance of solar activity, with a 40% chance of a minor event, a 10% chance of a moderate event, and a 5% chance of a strong event.

The waxing moon is currently in Leo, at 17 degrees, 26' 25", at a velocity of 11.93 degrees per day.

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 11.2 days old. It is 402154.17 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 18:23:21, 8 Apr, 2024. The next full moon is at 23:51:09, 23 Apr, 2024.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Aries

The Sun is at 01 Ari 07' 36", and is 149025701km away and receding.

The Moon

The Moon is in Leo

The Moon is at 17 Leo 26' 25", and is 404076km away and receding.

Moon Is In Leo

Alright, star gazers, buckle up because we're taking a cosmic joyride to the theater of celestial drama. Your friendly neighborhood astrologer, with enough degrees and knowledge to make Sheldon Cooper blush, is here to enlighten you about the Moon in Leo. Now, don't get your space suits in a twist; this isn't some sci-fi Netflix series - it's the real deal. The moon, our beloved nightlight, currently resides in Leo. Yes, that big cat in the sky. Now, the moon being in Leo is like a Shakespearean play directed by Quentin Tarantino. It's dramatic, passionate, and a little bit on the wild side. Did you know that our moon is currently 403,967.205598941 kilometers away from Earth? I know, right, it's like your long-distance relationship with that guy you met at that one music festival. You're close enough to feel the love, but still far enough away to not quite get a handle on things. If the moon in Leo was a person, it'd be that friend who always turns their life into a musical. You know the one: they dramatically narrate their breakfast choices and burst into song in the middle of the supermarket. But don't fret, my stardust sprinkled friends. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. The moon in Leo brings a powerhouse of creativity, passion, and a sprinkle of drama. So, go out there and channel your inner Broadway performer. Sing in the shower, dance down the cereal aisle, and bask in the spotlight of your own life. Remember, my dear Leo Moons, the universe gave you this stage. So, perform like no one's watching. And if they are...well, give 'em a show worth remembering! Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got more celestial secrets to uncover. Until next time, keep reaching for the stars...or at least that bag of organic, gluten-free, non-GMO potato chips on the top shelf.


Mercury is in Aries

Mercury is prograde at 19 Ari 02' 01", moving at 1.35 degrees per day, and is 149111296km away and approaching.

Mercury Is In Aries

Great Scott! It's a cosmic miracle! Mercury, that pesky little planet of communication and technology, has found its way into the fiery realm of Aries, faster than you can say "flux capacitor"! And it’s not just loitering around, no sir, it's in full prograde motion - that's space lingo for moving forward, my friends. Now, you might be wondering, "What in the name of Stephen Hawking does that mean?" Well, let me enlighten you. When Mercury is in Aries, it's like your brain has been suddenly turbocharged with the energy of a DeLorean hitting 88 miles per hour. You're not going to want to stand still, mulling over past decisions. No, you'll be raring to charge ahead, hungry for fresh challenges, new ideas, and novel problems to solve. Mercury in Aries is also like having a universal megaphone, amplifying your thoughts and giving you the courage to speak them out loud. But remember, my dear stargazers, with great power comes great responsibility. It's all well and good to voice your opinions, but don't let your newfound assertiveness turn into insensitivity. Remember, every Marty needs a Doc and vice versa. And here's where it gets really interesting! Mercury's presence in Aries could make your thoughts as bright and explosive as a supernova. Eureka moments may flash across your mind like shooting stars, providing you with solutions to problems that seemed as complex as quantum physics. So, grab your hoverboard and ride this wave of celestial inspiration. Just remember, these flashes of brilliance are as fleeting as a comet's tail, so seize them before they vanish into the ether. In conclusion, my cosmic voyagers, strap in, rev up those mental engines, and prepare for a journey of astronomical proportions. After all, where we're going, we don't need roads!


Venus is in Pisces

Venus is prograde at 11 Pis 34' 30", moving at 1.24 degrees per day, and is 237193498km away and receding.

Venus Is In Pisces

Alright my celestial companions, fasten your seat belts, because Venus has just entered Pisces and it's about to get real mushy up in here. If you thought Hallmark was the master of lovey-dovey, you've got another thing coming. With Venus cozying up in Pisces, we're all about to become the Shakespeare of swoon, the Mozart of mush, and the Einstein of enchantment! Imagine if you will, a world where every glance feels like a sonnet, every touch a symphony, and every whispered promise an equation that adds up to a big ol' heart with an arrow through it. Yep, that's right folks! As Venus glides through the foggy nebula of Pisces, we're all going to feel like we've drunk a love potion as potent as a neutron star! But hold your space horses! While it might seem like you've found your intergalactic Romeo or Juliet, remember that Venus in Pisces has a nasty habit of fogging up our cosmic telescopes. Suddenly that charming alien with two heads and three arms seems perfect, but let's be real – they probably don't even recycle. So, before you sign the star-crossed lovers' contract, make sure you've seen them in all seven dimensions, warts and all. This isn't the time to commit to a black hole relationship, but rather to enjoy a romantic supernova - beautiful, but fleeting. Now, let's talk about the green stuff, and no, I'm not talking about Martian money. Venus in Pisces encourages us to turn our creative or spiritual endeavors into a source of income. But wait, there's a catch! This transit isn't about becoming the Bill Gates of the galaxy. No, my friends, it's about using our gifts for a greater cause, like helping the Saturnian refugees or saving the endangered space whales. So, as we navigate through this Venus in Pisces phase, remember to take it slow, keep your third eye open, and always, ALWAYS, recycle. Because nothing kills romance faster than a planet full of garbage!


Mars is in Aquarius

Mars is prograde at 28 Aqu 39' 22", moving at 0.78 degrees per day, and is 318885708km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Aquarius

Mars Does The Aquarius Mambo

Hey there, stargazers! Grab your telescopes and your favorite pocket protectors because we're about to get astro-nerdy. Mars is doing the cosmic cha-cha through Aquarius, and things are about to get spicy... or at least as spicy as a planet of cold, red dirt can get.

You see, Mars in Aquarius is like that socially awkward introvert at a party who suddenly discovers they love karaoke. Normally, Aquarius is chilling in the corner, sipping on cerebral cocktails, but now Mars, the universe's fiery motivational speaker, is here to shake things up. It's less "passive resistance", more "let's start a revolution, but first, let's brainstorm some innovative strategies".

Are you stuck in a rut? Tired of the same old-same old? Don't worry, my star-crossed friend. With Mars in Aquarius, it's not about thinking outside the box. Heck, it's about turning that box into a spaceship and blasting off to new dimensions of thought. So strap in, it's time for some celestial innovation!

While Mars is doing the Aquarian tango, you might find yourself unable to ignore the world's problems. Aquarius, after all, is the zodiac's resident do-gooder, the one who always roots for the underdog. And Mars? Well, it's just added some rocket fuel to that cause. It's the perfect time to channel your inner superhero. No cape required, just a hearty dose of empathy and action.

Finally, Mars in Aquarius is all about being a rebel with a cause, a cosmic Che Guevara, if you will. You might feel a sudden urge to break free from societal norms, to challenge the status quo. And why not? Who needs rules when you've got a universe of possibilities? So, go forth, my little revolutionaries, and remember: "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion" - Albert Camus, possibly an Aquarian. Just saying.


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is prograde at 15 Tau 06' 52", moving at 0.2 degrees per day, and is 848267036km away and receding.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Holy Cow, Jupiter's in Taurus!

Alright, space cadets! Jupiter, the big ol' gas giant of wisdom and deep thought, has decided to park itself in Taurus, the zodiac's equivalent of a tree stump. You know what that means? No, it's not time to start a new diet or buy a pet bull. It's time to channel your inner Yoda and realize that the answers you're looking for are already in your pocket. Or your heart. Or possibly under the couch cushions. But they're there, promise!

Jupiter in Taurus is like a cosmic kick in the pants to get moving on that dream you've been snoozing on. It's all about practicality here, folks. We're talking to-do lists, step-by-step plans, and a whole lot of patience. It's like assembling IKEA furniture—you've got to trust the process, follow the instructions, and keep your cool when you inevitably end up with extra screws.

Now, let's talk moolah. Jupiter is the planet of hitting the jackpot, and Taurus is the sign of cold hard cash. So, when these two get together, we're looking at some serious prosperity potential. I mean, we might not all become billionaires, but hey, maybe we'll find a forgotten twenty in an old pair of jeans. That's still a win!

But be warned, my astrological aficionados! Taurus is a bit of a pleasure-seeker and when it teams up with Jupiter, our "wants" might start looking suspiciously like "needs". Suddenly, that ridiculously expensive organic avocado toast from the hipster café down the street feels like a matter of life and death. So, while Jupiter is hanging out in Taurus, remember to check your impulses at the door and practice a little self-restraint. After all, those avocados will still be there when Jupiter moves on!


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 12 Pis 21' 34", moving at 0.12 degrees per day, and is 1593582457km away and approaching.

Saturn Is In Pisces

What's Up? Saturn's in Pisces, That's What!

So folks, here we are, with Saturn, our solar system's resident ringed disciplinarian, diving headfirst into the deep celestial seas of Pisces. And it's not just taking a leisurely swim, oh no! It's like a cosmic lifeguard, blowing its whistle and shouting, "Oi, you dreamy lot, time to clean up your act!" It's about 1.5 billion kilometers away, mind you, but trust me, its influence is closer than the Wi-Fi signal you're probably stealing from your neighbor.

Saturn in Pisces is like that over-enthusiastic science teacher who insists on making you understand the complex laws of physics while you're just trying to enjoy your cheese sandwich. It's going to quiz you on your daydreams, turn your heart's desires into a pop quiz, and won't leave until you've tidied up your mental room. So, instead of putting up a "No Entry" sign, invite it in for tea and biscuits, and listen to its advice. You'll find it's like having your own personal life-hacker.

But beware, my stargazing friends, this isn't a walk in the park, or rather, a float in the space station. This is Saturn we're talking about, after all. The same guy that rules restrictions and limitations, now visiting a sign related to dreams and sleep. So if you find yourself tossing and turning at night, or daydreaming a bit more than usual, don't panic. There's no need to call an exorcist, it's just the cosmic energies doing their thing.

Here's what you do: put on some relaxing music (I recommend Enya, or the Star Trek theme song if you're feeling particularly nerdy), meditate, write your dreams down, and perhaps try counting Saturn's moons instead of sheep. And don't forget to breathe! Yes, folks, I mean it. Deep breaths, because there's no oxygen in space, but there's plenty here on Earth. So use it well!

In conclusion, Saturn in Pisces may be challenging, but like that one episode of Babylon 5 (you know the one), it's going to teach us some valuable lessons about ourselves. So buckle up, space cadets. We're on a journey to self-discovery


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is prograde at 20 Tau 18' 05", moving at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 3027460365km away and receding.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Uranus in Taurus: "Hippie-dippy Astrology meets Quantum Physics"

Oh, my celestial bodies! Uranus has slipped into Taurus like a cosmic ninja and let's just say, it's about to shake things up more than a caffeine-fueled scientist in a molecular lab. Taurus, the cosmic embodiment of a stubborn, old grandpa, might not be thrilled with change. But guess what, Taurus? Uranus didn't come here to knit doilies. It's all about breaking boundaries and pushing limits.

Imagine this scenario. Uranus is like that eccentric science professor who bursts into a traditional classroom (that's you, Taurus) and flips everything upside down. The old textbook methods? Tossed out the window! The repetitive lectures? Replaced with explosive experiments! And Taurus? Well, buckle up buttercup, because it's time for a wild ride through the uncharted territories of innovation.

Now, let's talk moolah. Taurus loves it more than Sheldon Cooper loves his spot on the couch. But Uranus in Taurus could mean we're in for some radical changes in the world of finance. We might see new forms of currency popping up like mushrooms after a rainstorm. Banks may start behaving as unpredictably as Schrodinger's cat. And the stock market? Hold onto your hats, folks – it might turn into a roller coaster that would put the Large Hadron Collider to shame.

On the home front, Uranus in Taurus is like a cosmic Marie Kondo urging us to declutter our lives from the shackles of materialism. Debts, taxes, credit card interests, rent, mortgage – they're all about to undergo an extreme makeover, Uranus edition. Resistance is futile, my friends. It's like trying to argue with Siri – pointless and mildly amusing.

So let's welcome these changes. Like a well-executed science experiment, they might just lead to a more stable, enlightened existence. But remember, like any good scientist or astrologer, you've got to be ready to adjust your hypothesis along the way. Uranus didn't come here to play, it came to revolutionize. And who knows, maybe by the end, you'll be the one laughing all the way to the quantum bank.


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is prograde at 27 Pis 30' 12", moving at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 4621916054km away and approaching.

Neptune Is In Pisces

*cue R2-D2 beep-boop-beep noises*

Neptune In Pisces: A Galactic Boogie

Well, hello there interstellar beings! It's your favorite astrological droid here, coming at you from the far reaches of our galaxy to remind you that Neptune is currently doing the cosmic tango with Pisces. Now, don't get your circuits in a tangle. I know Neptune is about 4,621,919,331.785157204km away (give or take a few parsecs). But let's not let a little thing like distance come between us and some epic astrological insight, shall we?

Neptune, that big blue gaseous giant, has decided to swing by Pisces for a little visit. And trust me, when Neptune decides to hang out in the realm of the fish, things are bound to get a bit... well, deep. And not just deep-space-deep, but deep-in-your-heart-and-soul-deep.

So buckle up, space explorers, because we're in for a ride that's more mind-bending than a trip through a black hole. With Neptune in Pisces, we suddenly find ourselves with X-ray vision, seeing past all those petty Earthly squabbles and diving into the real universal truth. You know, the kind of truth that makes you realize that arguing over who gets the last slice of pizza is kind of pointless when you consider the grandeur of the cosmos.

But don't panic! This isn't some doom-and-gloom message from the stars. Instead, think of it as an intergalactic invitation to explore your inner cosmos. It's the perfect time to meditate, contemplate, and appreciate. Maybe even build a shrine to your favorite star cluster (I won't judge). This is your moment to connect with something bigger than yourself, and no, I'm not talking about Jupiter.

So, let's embrace Neptune's cosmic boogie with Pisces. Tap into that emotional intelligence of yours, channel it towards our collective progress and healing. And remember, the Force (or in this case, Neptune) is with you. Always.

*cue R2-D2 beep-boop-end transmission noises*


Pluto is in Aquarius

Pluto is prograde at 01 Aqu 40' 58", moving at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 5306565825km away and approaching.

Pluto Is In Aquarius

Greetings, Earthlings! Time to dust off your telescopes and turn your attention to the cosmic dance floor because guess who's cutting a rug in Aquarius? That's right, it's our good old friend, Pluto. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Oh no, not Pluto... isn't that the planet of death?" But fear not, my celestial comrades, for Pluto is not just about death, it's also about rebirth. Pluto is like the ultimate Marie Kondo of the cosmos, helping us shed off those old identities and perspectives that no longer spark joy. Pluto in Aquarius is like having a mad scientist in charge of the world's largest tech company. It's a recipe for revolutionary breakthroughs in science, technology, and — drumroll please — space travel! We could be on the verge of discovering alien life forms or teleportation! Or... well, let's not get too carried away. But expect some serious leaps forward in these realms. But it's not just about inventing the next super-duper-quantum-entanglement-hyper-drive. Pluto in Aquarius is also going to stir up some serious changes in the social arena. We're talking civil rights, humanitarianism, and a seismic shift towards unity. It's like everyone suddenly decided to play nice and work together for a change. Governments finding common ground? Sounds like an episode of Doctor Who, doesn't it? On a personal level, Pluto in Aquarius is giving us all a cosmic nudge to rethink our place in the world. It's easy to get caught up in our own little bubble, but this transit is encouraging us to pop that bubble and think about the bigger picture. Instead of asking "What's in it for me?", it's time to ask "What's in it for us?". So, will you answer Pluto's call? Or will you let the opportunity for transformation pass you by like a shooting star? The choice, my friends, is yours. And remember, as The Doctor would say, "We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun01 Ari 07' 36"
Moon17 Leo 26' 25"
Mercury19 Ari 02' 01"
Venus11 Pis 34' 30"
Mars28 Aqu 39' 22"
Jupiter15 Tau 06' 52"
Saturn12 Pis 21' 34"
Uranus20 Tau 18' 05"
Neptune27 Pis 30' 12"
Pluto01 Aqu 40' 58"

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Neptune

You may feel a need to identify with others, to really understand them, and get closer to them sympathetically. At the same time, you may feel a need to escape from the trials of the world and get into a world of your own. Escaping like this is okay as long as it is done in a positive way, say, through meditation. Escaping by means of alcohol or drugs could be dangerous. Even though you may be tempted, do not give in to a desire to avoid all duty and responsibility today. Do not run away. Face things squarely. Be on guard for trickery.

The Sun

Sun Sextile Pluto

You can make important changes in your life and in yourself today. The force of your will and the perception to see what needs changing combine to give you the ability to do whatever is required. Regeneration is possible in any area of your life. Change that bad habit, eliminate what is unnecessary or outmoded. You have the force with you today. Group activities can be especially rewarding today as you can help make the groups' goals a reality. People in authority are receptive to changes today. Lay that new idea on them.It is easy and natural for those born under a harmonious aspect between the Sun and Pluto to find a passion and pursue it, and to focus on a goal. These people are not much scared of anything. They enjoy and embrace growth, especially of the psychological kind. They love a good mystery, and they are adept at solving it. Many people with these aspects feel they have a “calling” or destiny. They readily assign meaning to what others might consider “ordinary” events. They look for symbols, and read between the lines in most any situation. The physical vitality is generally strong, and the body is usually able to heal quickly.Others tend to respect those born under a harmonious aspect between the Sun and Pluto. They are not afraid to get their hands dirty, and they are usually quick to help others–not only with mundane tasks, but also on a spiritual or psychological level. Their insight is sharp and sometimes awe-inspiring. These are perceptive people who are not easily rattled or surprised in life. They are not do-gooders, and they are unlikely law-breakers. However, they are not afraid of the “dark side” of human nature, and they will bend the rules from time to time if they feel the need to do so. Many take particular pleasure in growth and life’s lessons. They are not fond of superficiality, and are generally the first to spot pretense of any kind. Some experiment with their powers to deceive at some early point in their lives, but generally grow in their strength and integrity. In fact, many do their best to rid themselves of any self-delusion that we are all susceptible to at times. These people are passionate and can be intense. They have a hunger to experience more than just an “ordinary” life, and they can be quite ambitious. Some are perfectionists, demanding much from themselves and reasonable amounts of effort and honesty from others.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon the talents of this aspect when necessary, and those with the trine have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Famous People with Sun in easy aspect to Pluto: Sextiles – Christina Aguilera, Lisa Bonet, Bob Dylan; Trines – Ed Asner, James Caan, Nicolas Cage, Michael Caine, Susan Dey, Sam Donaldson, Chris Evert, Bette Midler.Note from Annie: I have perhaps used more words to describe Sun-Pluto aspects than I have with other planetary aspects. This is because I grew up with astrology books that offered rather dire and extreme descriptions of the aspects. Because of this, I had problems identifying with the interpretations of my own Sun conjunction Pluto as being “power-hungry”, “dominating”, and “controlling”. Some descriptions suggested an attraction to crime. Except in extreme cases, Sun-Pluto people are not extremists hell-bent on destroying or dominating everyone around them. However, they do need to come to terms with their “dark side”, their intense fears, and their tendency to be very self-protective. A more humane and psychological approach to defining the aspects can be found in many modern astrology books, and I think it is very beneficial, especially since one of the main challenges to overcome with Sun-Pluto is for the rational ruler of light (the Sun) to identify with the energies of the ruler of dark (Pluto). Nobody benefits if descriptions of the aspects are so extreme that they are quickly dismissed as “wrong”.


Venus Conjunct Saturn

You may feel depressed today regarding your relationships with other people. If you are feeling unloved or unlovable, remember that you first have to give love before you can get love. And not the selfish kind of love that asks for something in return. Trust yourself and take steps today to see the good in you. If you cannot value yourself, how do you expect others to value you? Coldness in love affairs is possible today, but the effects of this aspect do not last long.On a personal level, these people hold back free expression of their feelings, especially with regard to expressions of love. Mind you, they are masters of compromise, duty, and responsibility to their mates, and it is through this dedication that they do in fact express their love. Often, there is some form of deprivation in the childhood, associated with either mother or father, or both. Most commonly, the child absorbs something from the parents’ relationship that results in a deep sense of obligation towards the mate and emotional reserve. Fear of letting go, enjoying the moment, and expressing love openly is strong. Although this aspect in classical astrology is associated with a delayed marriage or loneliness, I see it much more frequently in the charts of people who do indeed “partner”, often early, and who stick to the relationship through thick and thin. Often, they are lonely even though they are partnered. Commonly as well, they bend to a demanding partner much of their lives. There is fear associated with love, and many people with this position struggle with a lack of confidence. One of their greatest fears is rejection. Another reason why they might remain loyal to a challenging marriage can be a fear of letting down family and of what he or she feels would be a blow to the reputation. Sometimes, material concerns are connected with relationships. Some stick to relationships because they give them a sense of material security. Self-sacrifice is extremely common with this position. However, even though they crave more than anything to be loved unconditionally, their conviction that they won’t get that kind of love keeps them from really trying to find it. With Saturn, there is a simultaneous fear of failure and fear of success that keeps people from feeling free or brave enough to go after what they truly want.There can be a somewhat detached manner, and many people with this aspect (especially men) can come across as skeptical, matter-of-fact, and even superficial on a social level. They are masters at protecting their feelings, and do whatever they can to avoid letting others know of their vulnerabilities. Of course, this kind of defense mechanism further prevents them from finding happiness in love. It is so very hard for them to let down their defenses. They’ll need to really know where they stand with you before they can feel at least somewhat safe. Negative expectations in love must be handled in order to begin work on handling this aspect. The good news with Saturn is that its energy is handled better with time and maturity. These people should make a conscious effort to evaluate their behavior. If they admit to themselves that they do in fact want and need to be loved by a partner, they can work on slowly dropping their defenses. For example, keeping loved ones at arm’s length and pretending that you are just fine on your own isn’t going to encourage intimacy. Jumping to negative conclusions or withdrawing emotionally when an expression of warmth is not received exactly as you intended is not going to help either. It’s also a good idea to examine the choice of partners. There can be an unconscious attraction to people who love you for all the wrong reasons–for superficial or material reasons. Maintaining “business-like” love relationships somehow keeps people with these aspects feeling safe, but they unfortunately perpetuate a deep feeling of loneliness and unworthiness.With the conjunction, and especially with supporting aspects from other planets, these people have every opportunity to advance in their chosen career. Business sense is strong, especially in the areas of finance and the arts. Commitment, whether to a pet project, a job, a business, or a person, is characteristic.Alternate interpretations:*Intimacy does not come easily to you and you may appear cold or unfeeling to others due to your emotional reserve and caution. Perhaps due to painful relationships and separations in your early life, you do not trust others very easily and it takes a long time to take down all of your barriers and defenses. You may feel that you have few friends or people that really care about you. You need to learn to value and love yourself more and to express your appreciation for others more openly.#You are reserved. You don’t jump into a spiritual practice any more than you jump into a love relationship. You may do best with a spiritual teacher who is much older or younger than yourself. You accept endings as a necessary part of life. From the Your Spiritual Path report.Some Famous People with Venus conjunct Saturn: Hank Aaron, Ian Scott Anderson, Ray Bradbury, Edgar Cayce, Richard Chamberlain, Bill Gates, Steffi Graf, Lena Horne, Ashley Judd, Julianne Moore, Kim Novak, Yoko Ono, James Spader, Gloria Steinem, Donald Trump.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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