There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:
🌌 Cosmic Forecast 🌌
Alright, stargazers! Grab your telescopes, binoculars, or simply pop on those thick-rimmed glasses (any excuse to look nerdy-chic, am I right?), because we're about to dive into the celestial shenanigans of our solar system. #CosmicChaos #AstroNerdsUnite
First up, we've got Mercury and Venus canoodling in Leo. Not only are they sharing the same sign, but they're also sharing the same hairbrush. Expect lots of drama, bold proclamations, and a sudden urge to buy sequins. Or maybe that's just me. #LeoLoveFest #SequinsAreAlwaysIn
Meanwhile, Mars is chillin' in Virgo, dissecting all the problems with the latest Star Trek reboot (we all know it's not as good as Babylon 5). If you find yourself nitpicking more than usual, blame it on the red planet. #MarsInVirgo #StarTrekVsBabylon5
Jupiter is lounging in Taurus, which means it's time for some serious cosmic comfort food. Extra cheese? Yes please. Seconds? Don't mind if I do. Just remember, Jupiter, moderation is key! #JupiterInTaurus #CosmicCarbLoad
Saturn and Neptune are both hanging out in Pisces, probably writing moody poetry and debating the nature of reality. Expect to question everything, including why you ever thought socks with sandals was a good idea. It wasn't, by the way. Never was, never will be. #SaturnNeptunePisces #SocksAndSandalsNoMore
Uranus is joining Jupiter in Taurus, which could either lead to an innovative new recipe for guacamole or a sudden urge to buy Bitcoin. Either way, buckle up for some unexpected twists! #UranusInTaurus #GuacOrBitcoin
And let's not forget Pluto, hanging out in Capricorn. This dwarf planet may be small, but it's got big ambitions. Expect a sudden desire to organize your spice rack alphabetically or a surge of determination to finally master Klingon. #PlutoInCapricorn #Klingon101
So there