There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:
Welcome, Star Lovers!
Well, well, well, what a cosmic soup we're cooking up this time! I swear these planets have more mood swings than a teenage alien on prom night. But don't fret, I'm here to guide you through this interstellar rollercoaster - seatbelts optional!
Mercury in Virgo
Oh, dear Mercury, always the cosmic chatterbox. Currently, it's hanging out in Virgo, giving off serious librarian vibes. Now's the time to get your ducks in a row, or if you're anything like me, at least get them in the same pond. Hashtag: #VirgoVibes #MercuryMumbles
Venus in Leo
Venus in Leo is like a celestial diva. Expect lots of love, drama, and flamboyant gestures. If you've been feeling like a wallflower, now's the time to bust out those sequin platform boots and hit the dance floor. Hashtag: #LeoLove #VenusVaVaVoom
Mars in Libra
Mars in Libra is as awkward as a Klingon at a tea party. There might be a few hiccups, but hey, it's all about balance, right? So, keep calm and carry a big stick. Or was it speak softly? Whatever, you get it. Hashtag: #LibraLife #MarsMayhem
Jupiter in Taurus
With Jupiter in Taurus, it's a cosmic buffet of abundance. Just remember, more is not always better unless we're talking about pizza, then yes, more is always better. Hashtag: #TaurusTreats #JupiterJoy
Saturn in Pisces
Saturn in Pisces is like a deep sea exploration. It's all about diving into your emotions - just watch out for the psychic jellyfish. They sting. Hashtag: #PiscesPoolParty #SaturnSwim
Uranus in Taurus
Uranus in Taurus? Now that's a recipe for unexpected