The next Cancer will start in 201 days (Saturday, 21 June, 2025, 17:18 UTC)

The Moon moves to Cancer in 14 days (Monday, 16 December, 2024, 17:18 UTC)

Mercury moves to Cancer in 189 days (Monday, 09 June, 2025, 17:18 UTC)

Venus moves to Cancer in 241 days (Thursday, 31 July, 2025, 17:18 UTC)

Mars moves to Cancer in 35 days (Monday, 06 January, 2025, 17:18 UTC)

Jupiter moves to Cancer in 190 days (Tuesday, 10 June, 2025, 17:18 UTC)

There are no planets in Cancer at this time.


Cancer is the fourth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Cancer. It spans 90° and 120° celestial longitude.

Cancer Report

"Cancerians, Brace Yourselves! The Crab Nebula's Cosmic Comedy Club is Open for Laughter, Lunar Lunacy, and a Lobster Bisque of Destiny!"


Cancer Report

"Cancer Crustaceans, Prepare to Claw Your Way Through the Cosmos: It's Not a Shell Game Anymore!"


Cancer Report

"Crabby Cancerians, Brace Yourselves! Your Planetary Roller Coaster is About to Take a Wild, Whacky Spin - Hold Onto Your Telescopes!"


Cancer Report

"Logical Analysis of Celestial Movements Predicts Emotional High Tide for Cancer - Fascinating, Isn't It?"


Cancer Report

"Cancerians, Brace Yourselves! Mercury's Not Retrograde, Just Social Distancing in the Galaxy!"
