The next Pisces will start in 143 days (Tuesday, 18 February, 2025, 18:24 UTC)

The Moon moves to Pisces in 16 days (Monday, 14 October, 2024, 18:24 UTC)

Mercury moves to Pisces in 139 days (Friday, 14 February, 2025, 18:24 UTC)

Venus moves to Pisces in 97 days (Friday, 03 January, 2025, 18:24 UTC)

Saturn is currently in Pisces

Saturn moves to Pisces in 338 days (Monday, 01 September, 2025, 18:24 UTC)

Neptune is currently in Pisces


Saturn In Pisces

Saturn in Pisces is the perfect time to look inward. Connect with that daydream of writing a book or opening a business. Clear the mind, breathe, and ask the energies in this transit what to do next. Then have a notepad ready because we're about to get a coaching for the ages. When the Master of Rules is in the final sign of the zodiac, the two are darn-well going to make sure our dreams are fruitful. This is the time to gather up all those details we've imagined and plan out how to make things happen: write a business plan, work out a budget, look into loan options. When we tune into the lessons Saturn in Pisces has to teach us, our path becomes clear.

This is not to say that Saturn in Pisces is a cake-walk. We don't always want to be questioned about our daydreams, especially the ones closest to our hearts, but Saturn's presence here may do just that. If Saturn in Pisces catches us off guard, we may easily feel intruded upon or become defensive. But all the "Stay Out of My Room" signs in the universe won't keep this planetary "dad" from barging in to clean up the place. The move here is to be ready, open the door, and hear him out. His advice is more helpful than you'd like to admit.

With all this conscious attention in the Piscean realm, which is associated with sleep and dreams, we may feel restless, anxious, or have trouble sleeping. This is a great time to cultivate inner calm: meditate, go for a walk in the woods, breathe deeply, take a nap (but have a dream journal ready!), and make sure to get a full night's sleep. We may even want to go to bed a little early to allow time for our minds to slow down and rest. Take the time needed to hear and heed the deep wisdom available during this transit.


Neptune In Pisces

Neptune in Pisces grants us a unique form of sight. As the Piscean focus on emotion and spirit merges with Neptune’s pull to unify all things, a clarity emerges from the fog, shedding light on our own contradictions. We can suddenly see clearly the futility of caring about petty differences. The value of coming together shines like gold, and the path to wholeness is illuminated.

This transit calls us to look at what we each can contribute toward our collective progress and healing. We all have gifts, ideas, and dreams for how things could be. Neptune in Pisces is an invitation to explore our emotional intelligence for our own unique offerings.

This is the perfect time to take a course in a spiritual path that calls to us, or to create an altar space at home and connect with that which feels most sacred. The energy of Neptune in Pisces nudges us to consider how to then share these ideas with the world, and reminds us that its presence will support us in this process.


Pisces is the twelfth astrological sign in the Zodiac. It spans 330° to 360° of celestial longitude.

Pisces Report

We are currently in the sign of Pisces

The moon is currently in Pisces

Mercury moves to Pisces in 10 days, at Friday, 03 March, 2023

Saturn moves to Pisces in 15 days, at Wednesday, 08 March, 2023

Neptune is currently in Pisces

The New moon is currently 1.1 days old. The next new moon is at 17:26:44, 21 Mar 2023. The next full moon is at 4:37:18, 6 Apr 2023.

#Pisces, the wise and creative, don't be discouraged by your current mood. It's not you, it's #Neptune! Do not be too hard on yourself, instead focus on the positives that life has to offer. And remember, the stars don't care if you stay in your pajamas all day! #NewMoon #Rimmerisms

Pisces Report

We are currently in the sign of Pisces

The moon is currently in Pisces

Mercury moves to Pisces in 11 days, at Friday, 03 March, 2023

Venus is currently in Pisces

Saturn moves to Pisces in 16 days, at Wednesday, 08 March, 2023

Neptune is currently in Pisces

The New moon is currently 29.5 days old. The next new moon is at 7:09:05, 20 Feb 2023. The next full moon is at 12:42:49, 7 Mar 2023.

Pisces, your ruling planet is saying it's time to lay low and recharge. #ChillTimeTime #LuckyYou The New moon is your ally, as it helps you cleanse away the past and start fresh. #WashAwayTheBad #TimeForChange Venus has been on your blue horizon for a while, so life has been extra luxurious lately! #LiveItUp #TakeADeservedBreak Neptune will bring abundance and fulfillment to you this month, so make sure you aim to use that energy. #GoalsGoalsGoals #DreamBig And finally, the next full moon is getting closer, so get ready, Pisces, for a powerful and energy-filled month! #OwnIt #DoYourThing

The Moon is moving from Aquarius to Pisces.

The Moon

The Moon is moving from Aquarius to Pisces in the next 24 hours.

Moon In Pisces

The moon in Pisces means you're going to get distracted by your wildest dreams. Fantasies will fill your head and you'll be soaking in it. Harness that creative energy and don't let it lead you astray. Share your visions but don't let them overwhelm you. You're smarter than that!

Let your intuition be your beacon during this Pisces moon, but watch out for being a little overly sensitive in your decision-making.


New Moon In Pisces

A new moon in Pisces reminds us to be gentle with the mistakes of others, since we're all imperfect. The New Moon in Pisces inspires us to imagine the future we want. Write down what it is you’ve been dreaming of and what’s stopping you from getting it. This is the time when we overcome our fears so that we can begin manifesting the things we’ve fantasized about. The Pisces New Moon is also a period of profound healing. If you’ve been wounded emotionally or spiritually, this is when you will focus on your regrets, anger, insecurities, and doubts. This is a good time to meditate or take a walk. These moments of solitude will allow you to go within and reconnect with yourself so you can patch up old wounds that have been lingering.

#Moon #Pisces #Aquarius

#LondoSays: Aquarians beware. The Moon is now moving on to greener pastures in Pisces. So be prepared for the #BraceYourselves because what's to come doesn't look good: you may experience some high emotions and feelings. What is more, you'll likely be #DeemedAsCrazy if you reveal any of these feelings to others. But all hope is not lost, Aquarians. #StayStrong -you may just find peace in the chaos. Good luck, cosmic travellers! #AquariusAndPisces #TheMoon

Pisces Report

We are currently in the sign of Pisces

The Moon moves to Pisces tomorrow, at Monday, 20 February, 2023

Mercury moves to Pisces in 12 days, at Friday, 03 March, 2023

Venus is currently in Pisces

Saturn moves to Pisces in 17 days, at Wednesday, 08 March, 2023

Neptune is currently in Pisces

The New moon is currently 28.3 days old. The next new moon is at 7:09:05, 20 Feb 2023. The next full moon is at 12:42:49, 7 Mar 2023.

Ah, Pisceans. #TrendSetters of the Zodiac! May I suggest going deep within and releasing yourself from any toxic thoughts or influences that might be weighing on your soul. #BringOnTheRenewal This is a beautiful time of #NewBeginnings as the current celestial events in your sign bring a strong sense of creativity and possibility. #GrowPiscesGrow Seize your chance to journey into yourself to find the essence of the universe which lives within you. #SourceWithin #NeptuneIsSpeaking

The Sun is moving from Aquarius to Pisces.

The Sun

The Sun is moving from Aquarius to Pisces in the next 24 hours.

#Sun #Pisces #Aquarius

Hey kids! This here's Kara Thrace, your resident Starbuck. So this week The Sun is sliding outta Aquarius and right on into Pisces. But don't worry, no Cylons sighting around here! Ya just gotta stay chill and flexible this time around, showin' that water sign you don't care a lick 'bout the hard shell. #laisseraller #tisfortrussssttt #goinwiththeflow #rippletripit #aquariusheadinoutahere