The next Pisces will start in 152 days (Wednesday, 19 February, 2025, 04:54 UTC)

The Moon moves to Pisces in 24 days (Monday, 14 October, 2024, 04:54 UTC)

Mercury moves to Pisces in 148 days (Saturday, 15 February, 2025, 04:54 UTC)

Venus moves to Pisces in 105 days (Friday, 03 January, 2025, 04:54 UTC)

Saturn is currently in Pisces

Saturn moves to Pisces in 347 days (Tuesday, 02 September, 2025, 04:54 UTC)

Neptune is currently in Pisces


Saturn In Pisces

Saturn in Pisces is the perfect time to look inward. Connect with that daydream of writing a book or opening a business. Clear the mind, breathe, and ask the energies in this transit what to do next. Then have a notepad ready because we're about to get a coaching for the ages. When the Master of Rules is in the final sign of the zodiac, the two are darn-well going to make sure our dreams are fruitful. This is the time to gather up all those details we've imagined and plan out how to make things happen: write a business plan, work out a budget, look into loan options. When we tune into the lessons Saturn in Pisces has to teach us, our path becomes clear.

This is not to say that Saturn in Pisces is a cake-walk. We don't always want to be questioned about our daydreams, especially the ones closest to our hearts, but Saturn's presence here may do just that. If Saturn in Pisces catches us off guard, we may easily feel intruded upon or become defensive. But all the "Stay Out of My Room" signs in the universe won't keep this planetary "dad" from barging in to clean up the place. The move here is to be ready, open the door, and hear him out. His advice is more helpful than you'd like to admit.

With all this conscious attention in the Piscean realm, which is associated with sleep and dreams, we may feel restless, anxious, or have trouble sleeping. This is a great time to cultivate inner calm: meditate, go for a walk in the woods, breathe deeply, take a nap (but have a dream journal ready!), and make sure to get a full night's sleep. We may even want to go to bed a little early to allow time for our minds to slow down and rest. Take the time needed to hear and heed the deep wisdom available during this transit.


Neptune In Pisces

Neptune in Pisces grants us a unique form of sight. As the Piscean focus on emotion and spirit merges with Neptune’s pull to unify all things, a clarity emerges from the fog, shedding light on our own contradictions. We can suddenly see clearly the futility of caring about petty differences. The value of coming together shines like gold, and the path to wholeness is illuminated.

This transit calls us to look at what we each can contribute toward our collective progress and healing. We all have gifts, ideas, and dreams for how things could be. Neptune in Pisces is an invitation to explore our emotional intelligence for our own unique offerings.

This is the perfect time to take a course in a spiritual path that calls to us, or to create an altar space at home and connect with that which feels most sacred. The energy of Neptune in Pisces nudges us to consider how to then share these ideas with the world, and reminds us that its presence will support us in this process.

The Moon is moving from Aquarius to Pisces

"Beware, Earthlings! The Moon's Swapping Its Aquarius Bell-bottoms for Pisces Tie-Dye Tunics!"

The MoonThe Moon is moving from Aquarius to Pisces in the next 24 hours.

Moon In Pisces

The moon in Pisces means you're going to get distracted by your wildest dreams. Fantasies will fill your head and you'll be soaking in it. Harness that creative energy and don't let it lead you astray. Share your visions but don't let them overwhelm you. You're smarter than that!

Let your intuition be your beacon during this Pisces moon, but watch out for being a little overly sensitive in your decision-making.


#Moon #Pisces #Aquarius

Ah, celestial bodies, shifting and swirling in the cosmic soup like a giant game of intergalactic pinball. Now, our dear Moon is hitting the eject button on Aquarius, saying "Peace out, Aquarius! You're too 'logical' for my tastes!" and is hitching a ride to dreamy Pisces. Now, I know what you're thinking, "How does a celestial body move houses? Do they hire a cosmic U-Haul?" Well, let's just say it's a little more complicated than that, but don't worry, I've got a PowerPoint presentation ready to explain it all, complete with laser pointer and pie charts. Get comfy! But I digress. As the Moon sashays into Pisces, we can expect our emotional waters to get a bit muddled. That's right folks, we're in for a bit of a cosmic rollercoaster, or should I say, lunar rollercoaster? Either way, strap in! Perhaps you'll find yourself daydreaming more, lost in thoughts of alien civilizations where everyone communicates through interpretive dance. Or maybe, just maybe, you'll develop a sudden urge to write a sonnet about the quantum physics of starlight. But remember, while Pisces may have us all feeling like we're floating in a nebulae of emotions, it's an excellent time to tap into your creativity. So why not take this time to invent a new language based on binary code or crochet a sweater for your favorite cactus? The possibilities are as endless as the universe itself. And remember, the best way to navigate these murky cosmic waters is by embracing your inner Spock, channeling his cool logic and unflappable demeanor. Just remember to keep your phasers set to stun, we don't want any interstellar incidents now, do we? So, grab your telescopes and your sense of adventure, and let's dive headfirst into this lunar transition. May the force be with you, live long and prosper, and don't panic - it's just a little cosmic reshuffling. #MoonInPisces #InterstellarPinball #CosmicRollercoaster #NerdyAstrologer #StarTrekVibes

Moon, Aquarius, Pisces

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